1. Preparing to install:
   a. Install Maven, git  

  • cd /usr/local 
  • Download maven latest distribution tar from apache maven site

  • tar -­xvf apache-­maven-­<Version>-­bin.tar.gz 
  • export M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-­maven-­<Version>
  • export M2=$M2_HOME/bin 
  • export PATH=$M2:$PATH 
  • Now test your install of Maven. Enter the following command:
    -->mvn ­version 
    -->yum install git 
    -->export JAVA_HOME=<Java Installation Directory>

2. Build Ranger Admin from source :

a. Now get the ranger source 

b. Now build the source 

  • cd incubator­ranger 
  • export MAVEN_OPTS="­-Xmx512M" 
  • yum search gcc and install gcc (yum install gcc) 
  • mvn clean compile package assembly:assembly install 
  • Verify all the tar files under target dir 

3.Install steps for Ranger Policy Admin on  RHEL:

a. Now lay down the build into appropriate places. Let’s start with the Ranger web admin first.

  • cd /usr/local  
  • sudo tar zxvf ~/dev/incubator­-ranger/target/ranger-­0.5.0-­admin.tar.gz
  • sudo ln ­-s ranger-­0.5.0-­admin ranger-­admin 
  • cd /usr/local/ranger­admin 

b. Verify the root password that you had picked while installing mysql. I had chosen root so the relevant section in my file looks as follows:

  • db_root_user=root 
  • db_root_password=root
  • db_host=localhost 

c.The install process would create a couple of users in the database for storing administration and audit information, pick passwords for those too. With my choices here’s how the relevant sections in the file look now.

       # DB UserId used for the XASecure schema 




      # DB UserId for storing auditlog infromation

d. Ranger allows you to get fancier with security and authentication mode but for now let’s just leave rest of the things in this file as they are.

e. Once all the required properties are updated,  

Execute : ./ 

f. This will install the Ranger service.  

g. After this Start Ranger Service by typing.  

./ews/ranger­admin­ start 

h. Note: you can stop the Ranger service by typing /ews/ranger­admin­ stop To stop and start you can try this ./ews/ranger­-admin­ restart

i. After this Restart the Ranger Admin should work.

j.You can verify by visiting the external URL of the server using browser, for example :

http://<Host Address>:6080/  

Configuring Ranger Admin Authentication Modes :


      To enable active directory authentication on Ranger admin, you need to configure following properties of






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