Blog from January, 2007

Table Tags 1.0.0 Released

This is a preview release of the new table tags Struts 2 tag library. Table tags is a project that aims to replace the unsupported table tag in Struts 2. Table tags includes a pager tag that allows paging of data, sortableHeader which will render a sortable table header and a table tag which integrates the pager tag, the sortableHeader tag and iterator functionality. All of the basic functionality is complete and the project team is looking for feedback. Future plans include: javascript/AJAX sorting and paging, better css support, a selection of themes that users can use out of the box.

Table Tags Plugin page:
Table Tags Download page:

JSON Plugin

Plugin that provides a "json" result type to serialize actions into JSON


GWT Plugin

Beta version of plugin that allows GWT to make RPC to Struts 2 actions


Spring Webflow Plugin

A beta version of a plugin that integrates Spring Webflow and Struts is available. It allows struts2 to execute spring webflows and spring webflows to have struts2 actions as webflow actions. There is also a simple sample car insurance app that illustrates usage of the plugin.

Plugin Registry Page: Spring Webflow Plugin
Project Website:
Author: Tom Schneider