Apache Santuario

Apache XML Security for Java 1.4.5 release notes


  • [SANTUARIO-191] - xml:id attributes are not correctly handled when using c14n11
  • [SANTUARIO-250] - VerifyMerlinsExamplesFifteen/TwentyThree.java samples should ignore signature-enveloping-hmac-sha1-40.xml
  • [SANTUARIO-253] - org.apache.xml.security.utils.resolver.ResourceResolver is not thread safe
  • [SANTUARIO-262] - Invalid use of String.getBytes()
  • [SANTUARIO-263] - Canonicalizer can't handle dynamical created DOM correctly
  • [SANTUARIO-266] - c14n11 produces different signatures using version 1.4.3 and 1.4.4
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