项目题目 | 项目描述 | 难度 | 导师名称/联系方式 | 项目产出要求 | 项目技术要求 | 相关仓库地址 | 报名学生 |
官网优化 | 根据项目团队要求,重新设计并实现新的官网。 | 中 | 张亮 |
| https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere/tree/master/docs | |
完善SQL语法解析模块 | 参考PostgreSQL数据库的SQL语法,完善Sharding Parser模块有关PostgreSQL的语法定义 | 高 | 潘娟 |
| https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere | |
实现MySQL KILL语句的功能 | 通过实现MySQL KILL语句的功能,中断当前客户端请求,释放ShardingSphere-Proxy后端资源 | 中 | 张永伦 |
| https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere | |
实现弹性伸缩输出支持 ShardingSphere-JDBC | 弹性伸缩输出支持 ShardingSphere-JDBC后,可以独立完成数据迁移,不需要依赖 ShardingSphere-Proxy | 中 | 欧阳文 ouyangwen@apache.org | 1. 实现通过界面配置 ShardingSphere-JDBC 作为数据输出组件 2. 实现 ShardingSphere-JDBC 作为数据输出组件 3. 完成对应代码的单元测试 | 1. 熟练使用 Java 编程语言 2. 熟练使用 Javascript 编程语言 | https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere | |
实现权限控制模型 | 完善目前Proxy的权限设计,支撑更细粒度的权限控制,支持DCL操作权限模型并且拦截SQL操作进行权限验证,集成配置中心对多Proxy集群生效 | 中 | 秦金卫 | 1.实现权限领域模型 2.支持配置中心 3.拦截验证SQL操作 4.支持DCL权限变更 | 1.熟练使用 Java 编程语言 2.了解SQL/DCL语法 3.了解Zookeeper的基本使用 4.了解BRAC等权限模型 | https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere | |
English Version
Task | Description | Difficulty | Mentor | Output | Tech. Requirements | Repo | Candidate |
Official Website Optimization | Redesign and reimplement the website by following the project requirements. | Medium | Liang Zhang |
| https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere/tree/master/docs | |
Proofread the SQL definitions of Sharding Parser | It is designed to proofread SQL definitions of Sharding Parser concerning PostgreSQL database | High | Juan Pan |
| https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere | |
Implementation of processing MySQL KILL Statement | Interrupt the request of current MySQL client and release the resources of ShardingSphere-Proxy's backend by implementing the processing of MySQL KILL Statement | Medium | Yonglun Zhang |
| https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere | |
Implement scaling output supports ShardingSphere-JDBC | After scaling output supports ShardingSphere-JDBC, data migration can be completed independently without relying on ShardingSphere-Proxy | Medium | YangWen Ou | 1. Implement through the interface, ShardingSphere-JDBC can be configured as the data output componen 2. Implement ShardingSphere-JDBC as data output component |
| https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere | |
Implementation of authority control model | Improve authority control model of proxy, support more fine-grained permission control, DCL operation /SQL verification, integration with config center for proxy clusters | Medium | Kimm King | 1. Implement authority domain model 2. Support config center 3. Intercept and verify SQL operation 4. Support DCL statements |
| https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere | |
Apache ShardingSphere项目基本情况介绍
Hello, everyone!
The distributed database or middleware is so popular these days. If you are interested in this topic, welcome on board!
Apache ShardingSphere is an open-source ecosystem consisted of a set of distributed database middleware solutions. Based on that, I promise you will acquire a deep understanding of the distributed database and middleware.
Moreover, as an Apache TLP (Top level project), this community is open, diverse, and internationalized, which means you can enter into an entire open-source world and start your Apache community journey!
Last but not least, our mentors are experienced at the distributed system, new SQL, and Java programming, since they worked or are working large-scale enterprises. Presently, they are preparing plenty of work for your coming! :-)
- 社区名称:Apache ShardingSphere社区
- 社区官方网址:https://shardingsphere.apache.org/
- 社区Logo文件:http://www.apache.org/logos/?#shardingsphere
- 社区描述:Apache软件基金会顶级项目。分布式数据库中间件,提供标准化的数据分片、分布式事务和数据库治理功能,可适用于如Java同构、异构语言、云原生等各种多样化的应用场景。
- 社区邮件列表:dev@shardingsphere.apache.org。 订阅方式,发送邮件到dev-subscribe@shardingsphere.apache.org,根据回复操作。网页版本查看方式,https://lists.apache.org/list.html?dev@shardingsphere.apache.org.
- 社区官方公共邮箱:dev@shardingsphere.apache.org。建议订阅后发送。要求,使用英文。或联系个任务导师邮箱。
- 技术标签:Apache, java, database, sql, transaction
- 专注领域:数据库中间件,分布式治理,SQL解析,分布式事务