Blog from November, 2005

There is a new discussion forum now open to dicusss all things ServiceMix, ESB or JBI.

ServiceMix 2.0.2 Release

The ServiceMix team is pleased to announce the ServiceMix 2.0.2 Release.
This release provides a few bug fixes.

We're continually trying to improve our documentation; here's a bunch of new documents and guides to help you get started with ServiceMix

We are pleased to announce the ServiceMix 2.0 Release. New features include...

  • Improved JBI support including both interface based routing as well as service based routing together with improved WSDL parsing
  • Support for Publish Subscribe Routing
  • Improved JAX WS support
  • Migration to XBean as the XML configuration mechanism which works with any Spring release and allows us to mix and match ServiceMix configuration with other XML configuration mechanisms like ActiveMQ and Jencks
  • Migration to backport.util.concurrent to make it easier to move direct to a pure Java 5 solution.
  • a new Loan Broker example from the EIP Patterns Book
  • a new simpler POJO based deployment model
  • build reorganised to make ServiceMix more modular
  • a new ChainedComponent which implements simple pipelines of components easily