The Quartz binding example shows how to use Quartz timer.

A hypothetical business scenario, which illustrates the Quartz Binding example, is a network status monitoring system that will prompt System/Network Administrators when a network connection becomes disconnected. Every 5 seconds, the timer component will invoke a service that will determine whether or not the network is connected. If a problem is found this monitoring system will alert the Network Administrators.

The following diagram illustrates this:

Network Status Indicator

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  1. Unknown User (nhb)

    why do you want to know network connection status, give a business use – this is a technical use

  2. Unknown User (lmalgeri)

    Jason and natalie, when I was a system administrator we had cron jobs running that would check the network connection of our servers from another system. That was how we determined if a server had gone down. If we lost the network connection to a server, the cron job would page us so we could fix the down server before the users started calling us. So the business use case could be a monitoring system to assist Network Adiministrators in keeping their systems up and in responding proactively to a down server.