SMX4 provides an embedded JMX MBean server that you can monitor and administrate remotely using a JMX client like JConsole.

On Linux (and especially ubuntu), if you encounter issue to connect your JConsole to SMX4 (remotely), you should check the following:

  • Check if the hostname correctly resolves the host address. Run "hostname -i" command. If it reports, JConsole would not be able to connect to SMX. To fix this issue, edit /etc/hosts so that the hostname resolves to the host address. 
  • Check if the Linux machine is configured to accept packets from the host where JConsole runs on to connect to SMX (firewall issue). Packet filtering is built in the Linux kernel. You can run "/sbin/iptables --list" to determine if an external client is allowed to connect to the JMX agent created for remote management. You can use the following command to add a rule to allow an external client such as JConsole to connect:{{
    /usr/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s jconsole-host -p tcp --destination-port jmxremote-port -j ACCEPT}}
    where jconsole-host is either the hostname or the host address on which JConsole runs on and jmxremote-port is the port number set for for remote management.
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