First meeting 05/01/15. 

Hosted by Cloudera

Address: 1001 Page Mill Rd Building 2, Palo Alto, CA 94304:,+Palo+Alto,+CA+94304/@37.4045364,-122.1572818,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x808fbabc9d064857:0x5b4fbafc8cccc8fd

Call webex to get entrance to building.

Webex info:

1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)

Access code: 626 006 785

Hangout link for developers to attend

Because of the issues with mailing list, we could not send out the invite in time.   Only 3 of us, Venkat, Abraham and Gwen could attend.   It was a nice discussion and we decided to reschedule for 5/22/15


Second meeting 05/22/15

Attendees:  Venkat,  Jarcec, Abraham and Murali

List of topics to discuss

  1.  Sqoop 2 -  Idea from Abe - Have sqoop 2 ship with core connectors and have third party connectors not on the Apache umbrella
  2. Testing of connectors : Develop integration tests for third party products working with the team when bringing it into Sqoop 2 project
  3. Sqoop Developer meeting integrated with Sqoop Meetup. 

Discussions raised by Murali

    Push model  instead of pull model -   Right now only pull model is supported.    User developed a platform and will love to contribute to Sqoop.

Sqoop 2:   It is not addressing some of the enterprise requirements.   Like deduplication, encryption etc is

Sqoop 2 - List of connectors for Sqoop 2 - Particularly Kafka was mentioned.

Connector development kit

Murali said he will circulate design document on his platform and how to integrate with Sqoop2.

Action items:

Document the execution engine pluggability - Abe

Resurrect the discussion thread on merging the dev meeting and sqoop meetup - Abe


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