

  • Installer
  • CLI
  • Docker-Compose for Testing
  • Helm Charts / Kubernetes


  • Initial setup in UI 
  • Login
  • Create pipeline
  • Start pipeline
  • Stop pipeline
  • Modify pipeline
  • View pipeline details
  • Create dashboard
  • Create dashboard widget
  • Modify dashboard
  • Create standalone dashboard
  • Create connect adapter
  • Delete connect adapter
  • Pipeline Element Runtime Info
  • Install Pipeline Element
  • Uninstall pipeline element
  • Create Data Explorer View
  • Add Widget in Data Explorer
    • Table
    • Line-Chart
    • Image
  • Download Data from Data Explorer
  • Tutorial (Pipeline Editor)


  • Absence (Does not work, also the description is not quite clear how it should work)
  • Aggregation
  • And
  • Anonymizer (Isn't that a Python component that is not included in the release?)
  • Boilerplate Removal 
  • Boolean Counter
  • Boolean Inverter
  • Boolean Timer
  • Boolean To State
  • Calculate Duration
  • Compose
  • Count Aggregation
  • Count Array
  • CSV Metadata Enricher
  • Event Counter
  • Event Rate
  • Face Detector
  • Field Converter
  • Field Hasher
  • Field Mapper
  • Field Renamer 
  • Generic Image Classification
  • Image Gropper 
  • Image Enricher 
  • Math 
  • Measure Time Between Two Sensors 
  • Measurement Unit Converter
  • Merge By Enrich
  • Merge By Time
  • Numerical Filter
  • Numerical Text Filter 
  • Peak Detection
  • Projection 
  • QR Code Reader 
  • Sequence 
  • Signal Edge Filter
  • Sliding Descriptive Statistics
  • Spatial Grid Enrichment 
  • Split Array 
  • State Buffer
  • State Buffer Labeler
  • Static Math
  • Statistics Summary
  • String To State
  • String Timer
  • String Counter
  • Task Duration
  • Filter Text
  • Threshold Detector
  • Timestamp Enricher
  • Transform to Boolean 
  • Trigonometry Functions
  • URL Dereferencing 
  • Value Changed 
  • Label Number
  • Language Detection
  • Part-of-Speech-Tagger
  • Tokenizer
  • Chunker
  • NameFinder
  • Sentence Detection


  • Buffered REST Publisher
  • CouchDB 
  • Dashboard
  • DataLake
  • Ditto
  • Elasticsearch
  • InfluxDB 
  • IoTDB
  • JMS 
  • Kafka 
  • MQTT
  • Notification
  • OPC UA
  • PostrgeSQL
  • Pulsar 
  • RabbitMQ
  • REST Publisher
  • MySQL
  • Email
  • Slack
  • Telegram


  • Kafka 
  • Apache Pulsar 
  • Coindesk Bitcoin Stream
  • File Set
  • File Stream
  • HDFS 
  • HTTP Set
  • HTTP Stream
  • IEX Cloud News
  • IEX Cloud Stock Quotes 
  • InfluxDB Set Adapter
  • InfluxDB Stream Adapter
  • Image Upload (Set)
  • Image Upload (Stream)
  • ISS Location 
  • MQTT
  • MySQL Set Adapter
  • MySQL Stream Adapter
  • NETIO http JSON 
  • OPC UA 
  • PLC4X S7 
  • Slack 
  • Random Data Simulator (Set) 
  • Random Data Simulator (Stream)
  • Wikipedia Edits
  • Wikipedia New Articles 



  • LICENSE file present
  • NOTICE file present
  • NOTICE file has correct year
  • All source dependencies are present in LICENSE file
  • All Maven dependencies are present in LICENSE-binary file
  • All third-party licenses are present in license/ folder



Bugs to Fix (release-blocking, create a Jira issue)

  • Modify pipeline: "save to pipeline view" not redirecting (fixed)
  • Pipeline update breaks existing visualization (fixed)
  • Data Explorer: Add visualization doesn't show any pipelines (not an issue)
  • "Angular is running in development mode" (fixed)
  • Connect master says  19:53:13.519 SP [XNIO-1 task-1] ERROR io.undertow.request - UT005023: Exception handling request to /api/v1/
    connect-master_1 | javax.servlet.ServletException: org.lightcouch.CouchDbException: Precondition Failed{"error":"file_exists","reason":"The database could not be created, the file already exists."} (not an issue)

Random observations while testing about features for improvements (non-release-blocking, create a Jira issue)

  • the setup page grows in size during the installation → this should be changed to a fixed height (fixed)
  • No labels