
The code for the backend can be found on GitHub.



  • Java
  • Maven
  • Here we describe the setup in IntelliJ, but you can use an IDE of your choice
  • Docker / Docker Compose

Development Environment

In this setup we will start the backend, connect, and the processors in your IDE. The UI and all the other services run in docker.

Set-Up StreamPipes Services

  1. Clone Installer [Link]

    Prepare Installer
    # SSH
    git clone
    # HTTPS
    git clone 
    # switch to development branch
    git checkout dev
  2. Open CLI directory

    Prepare Installer
    cd installer
    cd cli
  3. Configure StreamPipes for backend development

    Prepare Installer
    ./streampipes env --set backend
    # Updates the file 'system'. All StreamPipes services required for development are selected
  4. Start third party services (e.g. CouchDB, Kafka, ... in docker)

    Prepare Installer
    ./streampipes up -d

Set-Up repository

  1. Open the project in your IDE

Set-Up Backend

We provide an environment file for each service in the folder development. This contains the  environment variables that must be set to run the service.

  1. Add a new application with the following Run/Debug Configurations
  2. Main class: org.apache.streampipes.service.core.StreamPipesBackendApplication
  3. Use classpath of module: streampipes-service-core
  4. Environment variables: streampipes-service-core/development/env
  5. Apply, OK & Start the application
  6. Navigate to "http://localhost:8030/streampipes-backend/" to see if the backend is running. You should see the following message:

Instead of the development file, we also provide a startup configuration for IntelliJ under development/runConfigurations, which should be added automatically to the project.

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