This page helps to track future additions to the live dashboard and data explorer in terms of visualizations:

Feature requests by Branislav:

  • horizontal lines
  • vertical lines
  • multiple graphs per chart (e.g. multiple line graphs)
  • advanced styling options (colors, lines, labels, etc.)
  • styling based on property value (example from reference chart - blue and red points)
  • onHover event (e.g. hovering over a point displays information)


  • arrays -> line/bar graphs, horizontal/vertical lines
  • single numerical value -> point, horizontal/vertical line

Reference chart:


Some quick test with current line chart implementation using ngx-charts ( by Patrick:

I have done some quick adjustments within the UI. However, I'm not quite sure at this point how easy it is to, e.g. integrate outlier points. So, there is the option to add upper/lower bounds, as well as y-axis title to line charts. I'd suggest to have such configurations (styling, etc.) be optional and only be shown ones a toggle "advanced settings" is activated.

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Patrick Wiener I like your work - it looks really good. The "advanced settings" toggle is good idea, since you probably do not want to bother users with a lot of options, unless they need them.