## Description:

- Apache Streams unifies a diverse world of digital profiles and online activities into common formats and vocabularies, and makes these datasets accessible across a variety of databases, devices, and platforms for streaming, browsing, search, sharing, and analytics use-cases.

## Issues:

- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:

- We have completed all known PMC setup, infra, code, and website refactoring work due to graduation.

- We now have streams.apache.org on CI/CD with no manual steps for the first time ever.

- We have completed our first TLP release, Apache Streams 0.5.1.

- Apache Streams 0.5.1 adds code for interfacing with Twitter’s new account activity and enterprise search APIs, and removes our dependency on the external twitter4j project (which had a category X json.org dependency)

- Apache Kibble expressed interested in integrating Streams to collect social media profiles and activity - a perfect use case and opportunity to grow the community.

- Several new faces submitted and reviewed pull requests this quarter.

## Health report:

Streams graduated to TLP on July 19 2017.  Activity and email traffic has been light, but new features and platform improvements are happening at a steady pace.

## PMC changes:

- None. There are currently 8 PMC members.
 ## Committer base changes:
- None. There are currently 8 committers.

## Releases:

- Apache Streams 0.5.1 was released on January 09, 2018

- We now have four experienced release managers on the PMC

## Mailing list activity:

21 Emails sent during these 92 days, up 0 (0%) compared to previous 92 days.

6 topics started during these 92 days, down 3 (-33%) compared to previous 92 days.

6 Participants during these 92 days, down 5 (-45%) compared to previous 92 days.


## JIRA Statistics:

36 new, 28 resolved


## Website Traffic (3 month) 

1141 sessions, up 20.11% compared to previous 3 months.

1014 users, up 17.77% compared to previous 3 months.




## Upcoming Project Initiatives:

- Add official support for Schema.org and Activity Streams 2.0 data types.

- Consolide streams-examples into primary streams repository, simplifying deployment and release process. 

- Drop remaining maven dependencies on java SDKs for accessing third-party APIs in favor of HTTP/REST interfaces powered by Apache Juneau Remoteable Annotations.

- More tweets and blog posts of zeppelin notebooks demonstrating data pipelines and analyses based on Apache Streams.

- More official examples in source tree demonstrating integration of Apache Streams with complementary technologies.

- Improve the interfaces by which components are created, configured, activated, and executed via SDK and CLI.

- Official Binaries and Containers that can be integrated with Apache Kibble.

- Reduce disparities between normalized activities and objects of like type collected from various data sources. 

- Reduce disparities between the configuration objects that initialize similar providers from various data sources.


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