NOTE: This page is a work in progress, and the information described here is subject to change.

When creating new code contributions to Trafodion, you may wish to leverage other third-party software. This page describes what practices to follow when doing so.


Closed Source Software Dependencies

These are forbidden, as we wish Trafodion to remain an open source project.

Dependencies on Linux

Dependencies on Linux system calls and utilities are generally OK. Some care should be taken, though, to avoid new system calls and utilities that are not yet widely present on current Linux distributions. If you wish to use such a call or utility, please discuss this with the Trafodion Community Managers.

Open Source Software Dependencies

We wish to maintain Trafodion on the Apache 2.0 license. To do so, Trafodion must not include code from projects that lack permissive licenses. Dynamic libraries linked to by Trafodion must also have permissive licenses or at the very least have "weak copyleft" that permits dynamic linking.

Permissive Licenses

List of permissive licenses here. Is there any reason our list should be different than Apache's list? If not, perhaps I'll just point to that.

Forbidden Licenses

List of forbidden licenses here. Is there any reason our list should be different than Apache's list? If not, perhaps I'll just point to that.

Quiet Period Ahead of a Release

A review may be required to verify that Trafodion can continue to use the Apache 2.0 license. Proposal : To check that any new referenced packages meet these legal requirements, a review will take place generally the last six weeksbefore a Release Candidate is built. During this time, contributions requiring new dependencies will not be accepted.

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