This table will try to summarize all tests in Trafodion SQL regression tests suite. So the developer can know which test to pickup to modify more easily.


Test Suitetest casedescriptionexample tests
 test001Tests for hbase timestamp and hbase version functionality 
 TEST002Tests to retrieve region/cluster space and access stats
Tests to retrieve metadata info about hive tables
invoke table(region stats ());
invoke table(hivemd(tables));
 TEST003Tests for tinyint, largeint unsigned datatypes 
 TEST010MDAM test 

transaction optimization tests

test for update/delete where current of

tests for large columns

tests for repository explain


This check will cover following cases:
------When primary key columns specified------
1.PARTITION BY clause is not allowed for trafodion table.
--2.STORE BY column list(if any) == primay key column list, also ordinally equal.
------When no primary key columns specified------
--3.PARTITION BY clause is not allowed for trafodion table.

 TEST016various update statistics tests 
 TEST018Tests for Hbase - hash2 partitioning 

Tests default and first key value string literals
Tests other default and first key values.
Checks duplicate first key values.
Test column named SYSKEY
Verify that RI constraint definitions take advantage
of storage keys and existing indexes whenever possible.
Verify that Catalog Manager code issues an error message
When RI circular dependency occurs.

 TEST021test for upgrade and downgrade 
 TEST022tests for access to external native hbase tables. 
 TEST024tests for sequence numbers 
 TEST025Tests identity cols functionality 
 TEST026tests for cleanup command 
 TEST027tests for support of multiple column families
tests for alter table alter column
tests for reserved words usage in create/add/alter stmts
 TEST028tests for updating statistics for external native hbase tables. 
 TEST030 tests for TO_DATE, TO_CHAR, TO_TIMESTAMP, TO_NUMBER functions 
 TEST031tests for various misc fixes 
 TEST032Misc tests. 
 TEST033Tests for GROUP BY ROLLUP and GROUPING feature 
 TEST001Simple queries on basic operators, nulls, set params,reverse scanning, and ifdef syntax. 
 TEST002Union all with joins and aggregates, various joins,subqueries with aggregates, correlated subqueries. 


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