The utility ldapconfigcheck validates the syntactic correctness of a Trafodion authentication configuration file. Trafodion does not need to be running to run the utility.

ldapconfigcheck  [<option>]...
<option> ::= --help|-h : display usage information 
             -file <config-filename> 


If the configuration filename is not specified, the tool will look for a file using environment variables. Those environment variables and the search order are:

    A fully qualified name is expected.
    Filename .traf_authentication_config/ is appended to the specified directory
    /sql/scripts/.traf_authentication_config is appended to the value of MY_SQROOT.


One of the following is output when the tool is run. Only the first error encountered is reported.

0File filename is valid.
1File filename not found
2File: filename

Invalid attribute name on line line-number

3File: filename

Missing required value on line line-number

4File: filename

Value out of range on line line-number

5File: filename

Open of traf_authentication_config file failed

6File: filename

Read of traf_authentication_config file failed

7No file provided. Either specify a file parameter or verify environment variables.
8TLS was requested in at least one section, but TLS_CACERTFilename was not provided
9Missing host name in at least one section.

Each LDAP connection configuration section must provide at least one hostname.

10Missing unique identifier in at least one section.

Each LDAP connection configuration section must provide at least one unique identifier.

11At least one LDAP connection configuration section must be specified.
12Internal error parsing . traf_authentication_config.

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