In July 9 and 10th, Apache Traffic Server is holding a BarCamp. This is open for all developers, and users, and anyone interested in high performance HTTP servers and proxies in general. Since this is a BarCamp, the format is loosely defined, but we're going to try to have a few items on the agenda to put a little structure on the event.


The BarCamp is hosted by Comcast, at

Comcast LoDo Office
1401 Wynkoop, Suite 300 (3rd floor)
Denver, CO 80202

Parking available at nearby Pepsi Center for $5/day

Some information about the area:,_Denver

Google+ Hangout

If you can't attend in person we are going to attempt to have a public Google+ Hangout for the entire event. Check the Apache Traffic Server G+ page the days of the event.


Leif Hedstrom (Apple)

James Peach (Apple)

Alan M. Carroll (Network Geographics)

Bryan Call (Yahoo!)

Jan van Doorn (Comcast)

Brian Geffon (LinkedIn)

Dave Koopman (GoDaddy)

Phil Sorber (Comcast)

Mark Torluemke (Comcast)

John Benton (Comcast)

Jeff Elsloo (Comcast)

Justin Laue (Comcast)

Kris Lindgren (GoDaddy)



How the cache works - Alan Carroll

Demo of Comcast's management portal - Jan van Doorn and Mark Torluemke

ATS @GoDaddy Hosting, config, load balancing, generation id & metrics - Dave Koopman

Lua - now and future - James Peach

Final bug triage for v3.4

This is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday morning 10am Mountain time.

Brainstorm on v3.6

This is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday morning 10am Mountain time.

Hack Ideas

This is a list of some hacks that people could work on, it's by no means definitive, merely suggestions.

  • Update the HTTP state machine documentation with all the new hooks
  • Take the next steps to improve the Sphinx documentation

Coverity CI

Get the Coverity runs automated, and triggered weekly from the CI (Jenkins) system.

CoAdvisor "bugs"

Go through the list of CoAdvisor errors and advisories, and file appropriate bugs for each of them (there's less than 100, and each deserves a bug).

International docs

Configuration (question)

Alan lead.

HostDB (question)

Alan lead.

TBD ??


This is a rough schedule for the two days, things might change as we dig ourselves too deep into the pits of ATS...




10am - ~lunch (16:00 GMT -)

3.4 triage

3.6 brainstorm

2pm - 3pm (20:00 - 21:00 GMT)

AMC on the cache

Comcast (30 min)

4pm - 4.30pm (22:00 - 22:30 GMT)

LinkedIn C++ API


4.30pm - 5pm (22:30 - 23:00 GMT)

Peach on Lua


These sessions are of course optional, and hacking is encouraged at all times.

Flight Info




Bryan Call

7/8 5:00pm

7/11 11:45am

Brian Geffon

7/9 10:00am

7/10 9:20pm

James Peach

7/8 2:42pm

7/11 11:21am

Alan M. Carroll

7/8 9:10 AM

7/12 6:00 am

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