This is the beginning of how the HostDB currently works, it's very, very incomplete. In fact (edit me) I've only added a small section on the hostdb.config format.


This config file (default is $prefix/etc/internal/hostdb.config) is generated and read when the server starts up. This file should never be edited manually, but if HostDB configurations in records.config changes, it is used on startup to validate the state of an existing host.db. If there's a mismatch, a new config and host.db is created. In hostdb.config, the follow data is available:

120000                        // proxy.config.hostdb.size
3750                          // calculated # of buckets
86400000                      // calcualted heap size
host.db                       // store->filename
1                             // store->n_disks
1                             // disk # (always 1, there's never more than 1 Span for a HostDB)
/opt/ats/var/trafficserver    // span->pathname
11603                         // span->blocks
0                             // span->file_pathname  (basically, directory or a file name)
0                             // span->offset
1                             // span->is_mmapable
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