Interface Generation Scenarios

Understand how the Tuscany tools can be used to create services from interface definitions and how interfaces can be generated from service implementations. In particular there are currently have two sets of tool.

  1. Design time tools wsdl2java, java2wsl and the associated maven wrappers
  2. Run time tools which generate wsdl from interfaces on demand while components are running

So what situations can these be used in and what features do the tools present.

Design Time - Top Down

WSDL -> wsdl2java -> java interface + data objects

Document support for

Included XSD
Included WSDL
Base types
Static SDO
Dynamic SDO

Design Time - Bottom Up

Java Interface -> java2wsdl -> WSDL + XSD

Document support for

Static SDO
Dynamic SDO

Run Time

Java Interface > runtime java2wsdl -> ?WSDL

Interface and databinding meta data.
Static SDO
Dynamic SDO
Availability on file system