Here is a message that I sent to uima-dev which dropped the screen shots, with the screen shots:

After running some tests on uima-as on a clean windows machine, I connected a jmx console to the broker and watched it "idle" (i.e., no uima activity was running) for several hours, overnight, and can see there is no memory leaks. There is some behavior that I don't understand, though - I'm wondering if anyone has delved into this and can explain what these screen shots show (this is the first time I've attempted to paste screen shots into mail to the dev list - so apologies if these don't come thru - we'll see).

First - the vm-args seem to indicate that maybe Derby is being used - not sure - but I had thought derby was 'disabled' by our default configuration?

Then, here are some JMX Summary screens, over 3 time spans - a few minutes, an hour, and overnight. The memory used drops after maybe about 1/2 an hour, coincident with some classes being unloaded. The number of live threads goes up and down on a regular basis.

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