• Google Wave Federation
    • Jochen Beckmann (August)
    • Overview of Wave, OT, data model, and details about Wave federation.
    • Slides
  • Operational Transforms
    • Alex Mah (July 30)
    • In-depth discussion of operational transforms.
    • Slides
  • Google Wave Federation Day Intro
    • Dan Peterson (July 21)
    • Announcement of open-sourcing of components, discussion of roadmap for open-sourcing
    • Slides | Youtube
  • Google Wave Federation Architecture Overview
    • Soren Lassen (July 21)
    • Discussion of the recently open-sourced components of the Google Wave - including the data model, operation transforms, various protocol buffers, a simple text client.
    • Slides | Youtube
  • Google Wave: Under the Hood
    • Casey Whitelaw, Dan Danilatos, Alex Mah, David Wang (May 29)
    • Explores various aspects of the technology powering Google Wave, including operational transforms, data model, and AJAX editor.
    • Slides | Youtube
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