These are instructions to help community members with testing new releases.


Ideally the client will access from a different network machine to the server.

Testing the Build and Run Scripts

There are three different types of build to test for release.  All should be available in the latest release branch on svn and/or in the staging area as declared on the wookie-dev list.

  • run in standalone mode using the run target in ant
  • build the standalone release binary using build-release-src, build-release-war, build-release-standalone
  • deploy the war and check index page responds
  • run the standalone using check index page responds

Widget Gallery

  • open a new browser window on the server home page
  • click view widget gallery
  • pick a random widget and click "Demo"
  • ensure the widget behaves as expected
  • refresh the page
  • ensure the widget behaves as expected
  • repeat above for at least one other widget (more is better)


Widget Deployment

  • open a new browser window on the server home page
  • click "Administration menu"
  • enter username and password (default is java, java)
  • click "View existing widgets"
  • expand random widgets and ensure page behaves as expected
  • click back button
  • click "add new widget"
  • upload the test widget (we should provide a simple test widget in SVN that is packaged but not bundled with the release - need only be a hello world at this stage)
  • repeat the "Widget Gallery" tests above with the test widget

Gadget Deployment

Note that Gadget deployment will only work if you have also installed Shindig according to the instructions for Integrating Wookie with Shindig. If you haven't installed and configured Shindig, skip this step.

  • Repeat the Widget Deployment above but with a Gadget rather than a Widget

Remove Widget

  • Click "Remove widget"
  • find the test widget and delete it
  • check widget is not available in widget gallery

Service Types

How do we test this?

White List

  • Click White List

Access request policies

  • Click "Manage widget access request policies"
  • revoke policies for weather widget
  • Check Weather widget does not work via the gallery (note it silently fails at present)
  • Check weather widget works via widget gallery


  • go back to the index page (Other - back to main menu)
  • click "instantiate a widget"
  • select a random widget in "Service Type"
  • click submit
  • copy URL from returned XML document
  • enter URL into browser
  • check widget works OK


Thanks for testing. Please be sure to report your successes and failures in the issue WOOKIE-181. Please include:

Server OS:
Client OS:
Server and Client separate machines?:
Servlet Engine:
Java version:
Browser version:
Tested with Shindig integration?:

  • No labels