(tick) These are the notes for the Struts 2.3.12 distribution.

(tick) For prior notes in this release series, see Version Notes 2.3.8

  • If you are a Maven user, you might want to get started using the Maven Archetype.
  • Another quick-start entry point is the blank application. Rename and deploy the WAR as a starting point for your own development.
Maven Dependency

You can also use Struts Archetype Catalog like below

Struts Archetype Catalog
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://struts.apache.org/2.3.12/
Staging Repository
    <name>ASF Nexus Staging</name>

Internal Changes

  • All validators were refactored and right now parameters can be set via OGNL also parameter parse was removed - WW-2923 - please be aware that param names changed a bit, review documentation Validation
  • (warning) tag's required attribute was renamed to requiredLabel to allow support of Html5 required attribute in the tags - WW-3908
  • new Tiles 3 plugin added to support Tiles 3 result type - WW-3931
  • as mentioned in WW-3973 with previous release behaviour of Parameters Interceptor changed a bit - please read careful over the linked page
  • migrated site to the Apache CMS and SvnPubSub
  • support for JBoss 5 to work with the Convention plugin was improved, check WW-3984 for more details

Issue Detail

Issue List

Other resources

  • No labels