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Every module that you install in Geronimo, whether it is a service, application, resource, etc., can be configured via a deployment plan. These deployment plans are XML files based on XML Schemas containing the configuration details for a specific application module or component. The Java EE 5 specification defines standard deployment descriptors such as web.xml, application.xml, etc and so on. In some cases, the deployment descriptor is all that is required to install a module into a Geronimo server. However, in many cases, server-specific configuration is required when modules are installed. This server-specific configuration is accomplished by using Geronimo deployment plans.


To package the deployment plans in you application you have to follow some naming conventions and place the file in a specific directory within your packaged application. For example, in a web application you would include the geronimo-web.xml under the /WEB-INF directory, the same place where you are also providing the web.xml descriptor, all within the WAR. For an enterprise application you would include the geronimo-application.xml under the /META-INF directory, the same place where you are also providing the application.xml descriptor, all within the WAR.

The Java EE 5 specification also let 's you use Annotations where you add resource references, dependencies, etc. directly in the code. Geronimo provides a Plan Creator that automatically generates the necessary deployment plans based on the standard deployment descriptors and annotations.


Module Type

Geronimo Schema


Server Plans & Common Elements

Used to deploy new services in Geronimo in a standalone plan, and also contains common elements used by many other plans.

Geronimo Plugin Descriptor

Metadata on a Geronimo plugin or a list of available Geronimo plugins.

Security Mapping

Common security elements used by other plans.

Security Realms

Abbreviated syntax for configuring security realm and login module GBeans. You can either manually configure multiple GBeans or declare a single GBean for the realm using this to configure all the login modules.


Common elements for references to other components (EJBs, database pools, JMS resources, J2EE Connectors, Web Services, etc.)

Primary Key Generator

Abbreviated syntax for configuring primary key generators for CMP entity beans. Avoids manually configuring and wiring up PK generator GBeans.

CORBA CSS Configuration

Abbreviated syntax for configuring security for clients accessing remote EJBs via CORBA.

CORBA TSS Configuration

Abbreviated syntax for configuring security for EJBs exposed via CORBA.


The format of the var/config/config.xml file.

Tomcat Web App Configuration

If you use the generic (geronimo-web-2.0.xsd) web application configuration, you can use these elements in the container-config element to configure Tomcat-specific behavior.

Jetty Web App Configuration

If you use the generic (geronimo-web-2.0.xsd) web application configuration, you can use these elements in the container-config element to configure Jetty-specific behavior.


In this section, we will discuss about the configurations that are already deployed and running in the server when the server is installed and started.

Connection pools

Apache geronimo Geronimo ships with embedded derby Derby database and activemq ActiveMQ message broker. There are also connection pools that connect to derby Derby and activemq activeMQ configured to run in the installed server. The following sections discuss about various such configurations already running in the installed server.


Apache Geronimo ships with embedded derby Derby database. The derby Derby libraries are present in the server repository at <geronimo_home>/repository/org/apache/derby. By default, a derby Derby database by name SystemDatabase is created and the files related to the database are stored at <geronimo_home>/var/derby/SystemDatabase. Along with that, by default, server deploys a database connection pool over the SystemDatabase with the configuration name org.apache.geronimo.configs/system-database/2.1/car. The name of the database connection pool is SystemDatasource. The configuration artifacts are stored at <geronimo_home>/repository/org/apache/geronimo/configs/system-database. The deployment plan used for database connection pool is as follows.
