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Additionally, since log replication and operation application are separated, the latency of an update will not depend on the complexity of the operation itself (for example, the number of secondary indexes used for a given table).

Among others, the replication module provides the following interfaces to the storage layer:

  • A stream of committed operations that are guaranteed to be the same on all nodes in the replication group. Each operation in the stream is provided with a unique monotonous continuous index assigned by the replication module. The stream is durable and can be re-read as many times as needed as long as operations have not been compacted by a user/system request. The committed operations can be applied to the storage asynchronously as long as read operations are properly synchronized with the storage state to make sure to read only when the needed operations are applied.
  • A readIndex() operation that returns the most up-to-date committed (durable) operation index in the replication group providing linearizability. readIndex() performance varies from protocol to protocol: for canonical Raft, this operation involves a round-trip to the majority of group members from the current leader, while in PacificA primary node can return the index locally as long as the primary lease is valid. If a node has received and applied an operation with an index at least as large as the one returned by readIndex(), the state can be safely read locally.

Separating replication and 2PC for transactional caches

Once we have a replication primitive in place, we can achieve the following goals:

  • Single-partition transactions are committed in a single replication round
  • The notion of primary and replica nodes is hidden from the upper layers of transactional logic. Upper layers operate on partitions by applying certain operations to partitions that are in turn replicated within the replication group. For example, a batch write to a partition i should be expressed as partition(i).replicate(new WriteBatch(writeMap)). The replicate operation may fail, but the write will be applied or not as a whole within the replication group
  • Simplify the existing Ignite transaction modes while preserving the current guarantees of Ignite transactions: get rid of transaction isolation levels on key-value API, keeping only PESSIMISTIC and OPTIMISTIC concurrency modes, which will match to PESSIMISTIC REPEATABLE_READ and OPTIMISTIC SERIALIZABLE modes of Ignite 2.x.

The transactional protocol operates as follows:


Data Structures Building Block
