Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


4 bytesMagic number 49 47 4E 49, or "IGNI". Helps identifying misconfigured SSL or other apps probing the port.
fixint / uintPayload length
positive fixintVersion major
positive fixintVersion minor
positive fixintVersion patch
positive fixintClient code (1 for JDBC, 2 for general-purpose client)
binFeatures (bitmask)
map (int → any)Extensions (auth, attributes, etc). Server can skip unknown extension data (when client is newer).

4 bytesMagic number 49 47 4E 49, or "IGNI". Helps identifying misconfigured SSL or different server on the port.
fixint / uintPayload length
positive fixintServer version major
positive fixintServer version minor
positive fixintServer version patch
booleanSuccess flag
stringWhen success flag is false: Error message
binWhen success flag is true: Server features (bitmask)
map (int → any)When success flag is true: Extensions (auth, attributes, etc). Client can skip unknown extension data (when server is newer).

Client Operations

 Upon successful handshake client can start performing operations by sending a request with specific op code. Each operation has it's own request and response format, with a common header.

shortOperation code
longRequest id, generated by client and returned as-is in response
...Operation-specific data

TODO: server → client notifications, how do we handle them easier?

longRequest id (see above)
intStatus code (0 for success, otherwise error code)
stringError message (present only when status is not 0)
...Operation-specific data

Operation codes and request ids are omitted everywhere below for brevity.

Risks and Assumptions

