Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Ignite 3 CLI tool is a command-line utility that acts as an entry point for all monitoring and management operations with Apache Ignite clusters. A user should download the tool from the website and then use it to:

  • Connect to a cluster to monitor its state and perform management operations (configuration changes, cluster init).
  • Connect to a cluster to run SQL queries.
  • Connect to a cluster to get the cluster status (topology, version).


The tool should be designed and developed with an explicit focus on usability and respect for In addition to regular commands, it should feature a fully-fledged REPL for different functions. REPL mode must provide the following capabilities:

  • Advanced command autocompletion: not only static commands but dynamic completion for parameters and values; in sql mode keywords and dynamic table schema are supported.
  • Command history.
  • Current status.

REPL mode is used by default and is activated if the ignite command is executed without parameters.

Communication with the cluster 

The tool should connect to a remote cluster via REST endpoints provided by the cluster.  For SQL REPL mode the JDBC is used.

Benefits of using REST as a communication realization between CLI and Ignite 3 cluster:

  • This approach seems to be the de-facto standard for the client-server communication model.
  • CLI can connect to any cluster it has a network connection to.
  • REST component already implemented in Ignite 3.
  • REST client can be generated from Open API specification (see IEP-87).

Error handling

If a user makes a mistake in syntax, an appropriate error message should be shown. It must describe what exactly is wrong. Possible options: unknown command, unknown parameter, missing mandatory parameter, etc.

In non-REPL mode, if a user attempts to execute a command that is only available in REPL, the tool should suggest using the REPL mode.

Errors and messing should be sent into stderr. The output of commands should be sent to stdout.


Generally (exclusions are defined on a case-by-case basis), every parameter for every command should have two name aliases: a long version starting with two dashes (e.g., --cluster-endpoint-url), and an optional short single-character version starting with a single dash (e.g., -cu).

The long version name can be separated from the value by either a space or by ‘=’:

  •  --cluster-endpoint-url localhost:8080
  •  --cluster-endpoint-url=localhost:8080

The short version name can be separated from the value only by a space:

  • -c u localhost:8080

Options without a value (i.e. on-off switches) are allowed. If several such options in a single command are provided using their short names, they can be collapsed. For example, ignite -a -b -c is equivalent to ignite -abc.


CLI tool should have configurable defaults. They could be placed in the config file and modified by the user. Also, a special command can be used to set the default value. For example:

ignite cli config set ignite.cluster-endpoint-url=http://localhost:3344

There should an option to use a custom configuration file that is put on CLI run:

The configuration file location should be configurable through environment variable:

export IGNITE_CLI_CONFIG_FILEignite topology --cli-config=./.config/path
ignite topology

Exit codes

Exit codes have to be mapped with Ignite 3 error codes.

Quick overview of existing CLIs

Ksql CLI

KsqlDB can be queried from Ksql CLI

  • written in Java
  • uses REST as a communication protocol
  • has interactive and non-interactive modes
  • does not support autocompletion

Hazelcast CLI (beta)

  • written in go
  • uses REST as a communication protocol (hazelcast ships go client)
  • supports interactive and non-interactive modes
  • has advanced autocompletion in interactive mode
  • has custom keyboard shortcuts to navigate in interactive mode
  • supports bash autocomplete for non-interactive mode


  • supports scripts execution
  • does not support featured non-interactive mode
  • has a reach interactive interface
  • supports custom commands in interactive mode like "!print", "!define".
  • has advanced SQL autocompletion

Command list


Help must be available for every command and should include at least the following:

  • Description of the command (what it does and when it should be used).
  • The general syntax of the command.
  • List of available parameters with their names and descriptions.
  • Typical usage examples for the command in general, and for specific parameters where appropriate.

REPL mode

command specaliasdescription
Full list of commands with their descriptions
help <command><command> --help[-h]Detailed help for a specific command

non-REPL mode

command specaliasdescription
ignite help
Full list of commands with their descriptions
ignite help <command>ignite <command> --help[-h]Detailed help for a specific command


This is a REPL-only command.

command specdescription
clearClear the terminal


Stop current interactive session. This is a REPL-only command.

command specdescription
exitExit from interactive mode


Bootstraps the ignite workspace in the local machine. This is the equivalent to the ignite init command from the previous cli version.

REPL mode

command specdescription
bootstrap [--repo]

Install artifacts and create working directories on the local machine

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
bootstrap [--repo]

Install artifacts and create working directories on the local machine


Connects to a cluster. This is a REPL-only command.

command specdescription
connect [cluster-endpoint-cluster-url]Create a session for the cluster, i.e. subsequent commands do not require the cluster URL anymore


Disconnects the current session. This is a REPL-only command.

command specdescription
disconnectDisconnect the current session


REPL mode

command specdescription
[--jdbc-url] [--script-file | query]

If executed without script-file or query parameters,

create a

creates an SQL connection session within the REPL. From this point, it provides functionality similar to a command-line JDBC tool (e.g., sqlline)



non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite sql [--clusterjdbc-url] [<--script-file ] <query>| query>

Execute sql query and print the result


REPL mode

command specaliasdescription
Show the version of the CLI Tool

non-REPL mode

command specaliasdescription
ignite versionignite --versionShow the version of the CLI Tool


cluster init

Initializes cluster in a way described in IEP-77.

REPL mode

command specdescription
cluster init [--cluster-endpoint-url] <--meta-storage-node> [--cmg-node] <--cluster-name>

Initialize the connected cluster

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite cluster init [--cluster-endpoint-url] <--meta-storage-node> [--cmg-node] <--cluster-name>

Initialize the cluster

meta-storage-node is a list with a minimum 1 argument, cmg-node is a list but could be empty.


command specdescription
cluster status [--cluster-endpoint-url]

Show the status of the cluster


command specdescription
ignite cluster status [--cluster-endpoint-url]

Show the status of the cluster


Has to be rendered in HOCON format.

REPL mode

command specdescription
cluster config show [--cluster-endpoint-url] [--selector]

Show connected cluster configuration

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite cluster config show [--cluster-endpoint-url] [--selector]

Show connected cluster configuration

cluster config update

REPL mode

command specdescription
cluster config update [--cluster-endpoint-url] <config in HOCON format or path to file>

Update the connected cluster configuration with provided HOCON configuration 

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite cluster config update [--cluster-endpoint-url] <config in HOCON format or path to file>

Update the cluster configuration with provided HOCON configuration

cluster topology physical

According to the join protocol, we are going to have two types of node topologies: "physical" (a.k.a. network) topology and "logical" topology. It may be convenient for the user to know which nodes have passed validation and have joined the logical topology, therefore it is suggested to implement a CLI command for this purpose.

Response example:

consistent ID, ID, address, status

node 1, e2d4988a-b836-4e7e-a888-2639e6f79ef0,

node 2, 5cb561fc-1963-4f95-98f8-deb407669a86,

REPL mode

command specdescription
cluster topology physical [--cluster-endpoint-url]Show the physical topology of the

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite cluster topology physical
[--cluster-endpoint-url]Show the physical topology of the cluster

cluster topology logical

REPL mode

command specdescription
cluster topology logical [--cluster-endpoint-url]Show the logical topology of the

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite cluster topology logical
[--cluster-endpoint-url]Show the logical topology of the cluster


node start

Start the Ignite 3 node.

REPL mode

command specdescription
node start [--config] [--port] [--rest-port] [--join] <nodeName>

Start node with the default configuration or reads the config from --config option option. Additional port, rest-port and join options override the configuration parameters. 

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite node start [--config] [--port] [--rest-port] [--join] <nodeName>

Start node with the default configuration or reads the config from --config option. Additional port, rest-port and join options override the configuration parameters. 

node stop

Stop the Ignite 3 node.

REPL mode

command specdescription
node stop <nodeName>

Stop node

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite node stop <nodeName>

Stop node

node status

Shows the status of the node. Could be starting, started, stopping, and recovering.

REPL mode

command specdescription
node status [--node-url]

Shows the node status 

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite node status [--node-url]

Shows the node status

node config show

Has to be rendered in HOCON format.

REPL mode

command specdescription
node config show [--node-url] [--selector]

Read the local node configuration 

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite node config show [--node-url] [--selector]

Read the local node configuration

node config update

REPL mode

command specdescription
node config update [--node-url] <config in HOCON format or path to file>

Update the connected local node configuration with provided HOCON configuration 

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite node config update [--node-url] <config in HOCON format or path to file>

Update the local node configuration with provided HOCON configuration

node list

REPL mode

command specdescription
node list

Show the list of nodes running locally 

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite node list

Show the list of nodes running locally

cli config 

cli config get

REPL mode

command specaliasdescription
cli config get <config key> [--profile-name -p] cli configs (~ default get without parameters)key>  Show the Show the default config value for the CLI Tool. Displays all default configs if called without parameter. Show property of profile with provided namecurrent profile.

non-REPL mode

command specaliasdescription
ignite cli config get <config key> [--profile-name -p] <config key>ignite cli configsShow the default config value for the CLI Tool. Displays all default configs if called without parameter. Show config value of profile with provided namespecified or default profile.

cli config set

REPL mode

command specdescription
cli config set <config key-value>Set the config value for the current profile.

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite cli config set [--profile-name -p] ] <config key-value>Set the default config value for the CLI Tool. Set the config value for profile with provided namespecified or default profile.

cli config show

REPL mode

command specdescription
cli config showShow the config contents for the current profile.

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite cli config
set <config key-value>
show [--profile
-name -p
Show the
contents for the
CLI Tool.  Set the config value for profile with provided name
specified or default profile.

cli config profile

cli config profile show

REPL mode

command specdescription
cli config profile show  Show current default profile of CLI Tool

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite cli config show Show current default profile

cli config profile use

REPL mode

command specdescription
cli config profile use activate <profileName> Activate profile as default for CLI Tool

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite cli config profile use activate <profileName> Activate profile as default for CLI Tool

cli config profile create

REPL mode

command specdescription
cli config profile create [--–name name -n] [--copy-from -c] [--activate -a]  Create new profile and optionally copy content from another profile and optionally activate new profile as default for CLI Tool

non-REPL mode

command specdescription
ignite cli config profile create [-–name -name -n] [--copy-from -c] [--activate -a]Create new profile and optionally copy content from another profile and optionally activate new profile as default for CLI ToollTool

Opened tickets

serverASF JIRA
jqlQueryproject = Ignite AND status = Open AND ("Epic Name" = IEP-88 OR "Epic Link" = IGNITE-16970)

Closed tickets

serverASF JIRA
jqlQueryproject = Ignite AND status = Closed AND ("Epic Name" = IEP-88 OR "Epic Link" = IGNITE-16970)