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and all we need - is to add transformation during the marshaling/unmarshalling phase:

Code Block
titleCacheObjectAdapter transformation
protected byte[] valueBytesFromValue(CacheObjectValueContext ctx) throws IgniteCheckedException {
    byte[] bytes = ctx.kernalContext().cacheObjects().marshal(ctx, val);

    return CacheObjectsTransformer.transformIfNecessary(bytes, ctx);

protected Object valueFromValueBytes(CacheObjectValueContext ctx, ClassLoader ldr) throws IgniteCheckedException {
    byte[] bytes = CacheObjectsTransformer.restoreIfNecessary(valBytes, ctx);

    return ctx.kernalContext().cacheObjects().unmarshal(ctx, bytes, ldr);

public void prepareMarshal(CacheObjectValueContext ctx) throws IgniteCheckedException {
	if (valBytes == null)
		valBytes = valueBytesFromValue(ctx);

public void finishUnmarshal(CacheObjectValueContext ctx, ClassLoader ldr) throws IgniteCheckedException { 
	if (val == null) 
    	val = valueFromValueBytes(ctx, ldr);


BinaryObject(Impl)s have the different structure:

Code Block
private Object obj; // Deserialized value.
private byte[] arr; // Serialized bytes.

(De)serialization is a simmilar to (un)marshalling, it's a process to gain java class instance from bytes and or vice versa, but it happen at different time and code layer.

(Un)marshalling happens on putting/getting object to/from cache, but (de)serialization happens on building/deserializing of a binary object detached from any cache.

A lucky circumstance, BinaryObjectImpl require no marshalling, serialization already generates byte which can be used as marshalled bytes.

But, if we're going to transform the data during the marshaling/unmarshalling phase we need to add additional data layer to the BinaryObjectImpl:

Code Block

private Object obj; // Deserialized value.
private byte[] a
rr; // Serialized bytes.
private byte[] valBytes; // Marshalled value bytes.

Where valBytes == arr when transformation is disabled.

It's not possible to just replace arr with valBytes because, unlike, for example, from CacheObjectImpl arr is not just a mashalled bytes, it's a object's value requred, for example, to provide hashCode/schemaId/typeId/objectField.

So, BinaryObjectImpl requres valBytes to arr conversion:

Code Block
titleBinaryObjectImpl (un)marshalling
private byte[] arrayFromValueBytes(CacheObjectValueContext ctx) {
    return CacheObjectsTransformer.restoreIfNecessary(valBytes, ctx);

private byte[] valueBytesFromArray(CacheObjectValueContext ctx) {
    return CacheObjectsTransformer.transformIfNecessary(arr, start, detached() ? arr.length : length(), ctx);

public void finishUnmarshal(CacheObjectValueContext ctx, ClassLoader ldr) throws IgniteCheckedException {
	if (arr == null)
	arr = arrayFromValueBytes(ctx);

public void prepareMarshal(CacheObjectValueContext ctx) {
	if (valBytes == null)
		valBytes = valueBytesFromArray(ctx);

Risks and Assumptions

Transformation requires additional memory allocation and subsequent GC work.
