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|F|H|F|          |          | |Need more cross-linking between the wiki pages, specially between FAQ pages, User Guide pages, Cheat Sheet pages and Cookbook pages that cover the same topic.|
|F|M|F|          |          | |[Component Cheat Sheet] should have, for each of the listed annotations, a link to the corresponding API page.|
|F|M|F|          |          | |Some pages don't link to all of their child pages|
|F|M|F|          |          | |Move some of the best MoinMoin wiki content into Confluence?|
|F|M|F|1290869296693|          | |Need an article on clustering & high availability, then link to it from the clustering sections of [Persistent Page Data], [IoC - serialization], [Persistent State], [Securing your application with HTTPS], and other pages that mention clustering|
|F|M|F|1290869418470|          | |Need a "Support" page that lists support options.  This is where the mailing lists should be mentioned., as well as Howard's trainig, etc|
|F|M|F|1290872794706|          | |The links to "Tapestry Home" in the breadcrums on pages like [Tutorial] link to the "Home" page but should link to the index.html page|
|F|M|F|1290872892940|          | |Make it more obvious how to contribute to documentation improvements|
|F|M|F|1290873143210|          | |Add to Community Contributions page a link to|
|FT|M|F|1290873224660|          1290890073112|hlship|it doesn't look good to have a "Tapestry 5.2.3 -- canceled" post on the front page. It's scary and you have to read the rest to know that it's just a release that didn't pass the vote. I know there's now a post above that saying 5.2.4 beta release, I'm commenting about the concept of "fear-about-the-future-of-tapestry" content with such visibility. Do we want things like that to see what potential new users get on their first visit?|
|F|M|F|1290873244269|          | |news feed titles have too large a font (already fixed?)|
|F|M|F|1290873265741|          | |there's too much text in the left column, looks intimidating.|
|F|M|F|1290873286462|          | |in the "create your first tapestry project" tutorial, don't make the user choose an archetype or a tapestry version. Write the instructions for the latest stable version. It's better to have that be out of date when a new version comes out (because it still will work) than have the user decide at this stage. Same for the groupId, artifactId, version and package. It's a test project the user is creating, those values are not going to matter. Give the defaults so people can copy and paste the command and have the project created, built and run.|
|F|M|F|1290873305368|          | |the big red scary warning about the project layout changing across different versions has no reason to be. By the time the user has this problem he will know how to solve it.|
|F|M|F|1290873334655|          | |After the test project has been created, give the user some pointers on where to find things (pages go in src/main/java/com/example/pages, page templates go in webapp). Although there is a link to the tutorial, if this first experience is too frustrating, people might not even bother to go there.|
|F|M|F|1290873345788|          | |add something to the archetype with commented out code that the user can uncomment and see something cool happen. It has to be a few lines only, to be easily understandable, and clearly link components in the template with their methods in the page class.|
|F|M|F|1290873360243|          | |the tapestry tutorial starts unnecessarily verbose about topics not really related to me getting code running and out the door. Strip it to the essentials. If you want to mention Struts and the Servlet API compared to the tapestry way, mention them in a separate chapter so they are easy to find / skip as needed.|
|F|M|F|1290873372769|          | |there is no table of contents for the tutorial and no indication of how long it takes to complete|
|F|M|F|1290873390989|          | |There are too many callouts, warnings and decorations in the tutorial. It is very distracting visually and that makes it hard to follow. It's impossible to scan the pages to get a feel for what you've got ahead of you.|
|F|M|F|1290873483266|          | |Add a page about testing your Tapestry app (not just testing of pages)|
|F|M|F|1290873509313|          | |The download section should include maven instruction, at least the dependency section of the pom should be listed.|
|F|M|F|1290873534545|          | |There should be more room at the bottom between the last paragraph and the footer. The header on most pages is very "white", the bottom has no space at all. Give it some air.|
|F|M|F|1290873550898|          | |Why is there a Book section in the Documentation with only one link to more books? It look like an error. At least last two books (their images and caption) should be there.|
|F|M|F|1290873573643|          | |On the ComponentCheetSheet, add a sentance or two more on each annotation would be great.|
|F|M|F|1290873630472|          | |The tutorial Setting up your environment should be improved. Alternatives should be described on how to run T5 apps in the Eclipse or other IDEs, but not in the text as that would make it too long. I think there should be links for alternative setups - like how to run the T5 app from a main class and even start VisualVM for early debugging and optimizing (each alternative has pros and cons). There is no mention of m2eclipse plugin. Of course one can use JDK 6 also - only 1.5 is there. There is a sentence: "You should not have to download this directly". Why are then download links on the download page and no mention of maven at the same time. It is confusing for newbs.|
|F|M|F|1290873682697|          | |Add a link to JIRA in the About page|