
Tapestry 5.8.2 is a new release introducing CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) support and also includes a number of bug fixes and small improvements.

Tapestry 5.8.2 is a drop-in replacement and recommended upgrade for Tapestry 5.7.0+ projects.

Please check all the details in the release notes page.

Tapestry 5.8.1 release

Hello, Tapestry community!

We've just released Tapestry 5.8.1. It's mostly about getting Tapestry-IoC to support all Java language features introduced between Java 9 and 17.  It also includes some other bug fixes and small improvements.

Tapestry 5.8.1 is a drop-in replacement and recommended upgrade for Tapestry 5.7.0+ projects.

All the details are in the release notes.

Happy coding!

Tapestry 5.8.0 release

Hello, Tapestry community!Tapestry 5.8.0 has just been released. It's focused on a couple of new features:

Full release notes at

Tapestry 5.8.0 is a drop-in replacement and recommended upgrade for Tapestry 5.7.0+ projects. No backward-incompatible changes.

All feedback is welcome.

Happy coding!

Tapestry 5.7.3 is a new release focused on some improvements and new features. Main ones are:

  • Upgrading Hibernate's version from 5.1.1.Final to 5.4.32.Final. This required some changes in tapestry-hibernate due to some non-backward-compatible changes between these 2 Hibernate versions. If your project doesn't work with this new Hibernate version, you should be able to use version 5.7.2 of tapestry-hibernate and tapestry-hibernate with 5.7.3 of everything else without issues.
  • Introducing tapestry-spock, an integration of Tapestry with the Spock testing framework, which used to be part of the Spock project.

Please check the release notes for more details.

Tapestry 5.7.2 is a drop-in replacement and recommended upgrade for Tapestry 5.7 releases. To upgrade, just update the dependency in your build configuration (Maven POM, Gradle build script, etc.) – or Download the new JAR file -- and the new version will just work. However, please review the How to Upgrade instructions before upgrading.

Please check all the details in Release Notes 5.7.2.

Tapestry 5.6.4 is a drop-in replacement and recommended upgrade for Tapestry 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 releases. To upgrade, just update the dependency in your build configuration (Maven POM, Gradle build script, etc.) – or Download the new JAR file -- and the new version will just work. However, please review the How to Upgrade instructions before upgrading.

Please check all the details in Release Notes 5.6.4.

Tapestry 5.7.1 is a drop-in replacement and recommended upgrade for Tapestry 5.7.1 To upgrade, just update the dependency in your build configuration (Maven POM, Gradle build script, etc.) – or Download the new JAR file -- and the new version will just work. However, please review the How to Upgrade instructions before upgrading.

Please check all the details in Release Notes 5.7.1.

Tapestry 5.6.3 is a drop-in replacement and recommended upgrade for Tapestry 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 releases. To upgrade, just update the dependency in your build configuration (Maven POM, Gradle build script, etc.) – or Download the new JAR file -- and the new version will just work. However, please review the How to Upgrade instructions before upgrading.

Please check all the details in Release Notes 5.6.3.

Tapestry 5.7.0 is a new major version which needs a migration step for projects using previous versions. To upgrade, update the dependency in your build configuration (Maven POM, Gradle build script, etc.) – or Download the new JAR file. Please check the Upgrade Guide section below for details. This is a step that only needs to be done once. Please also review the How to Upgrade instructions before upgrading.

The main new features are:

  • Partial Java 9+ modules (JPMS) support. It's partial because classes are not provided yet. On the other hand, Tapestry's JARs don't have split packages anymore, making them easier to be used with Java 9+ modules. Many classes had to be moved to other packages, and sometimes even to a different JAR. The migration tool mentioned above will take care of updating your code so it uses the correct new fully-qualified class names for the ones that were moved and/or renamed.
    • TAP5-2641 - Turn the Tapestry subprojects into Java 9+ modules (JPMS) RESOLVED TAP5-2627 - Fix split packages RESOLVED
  • TypeCoercer now uses mapped configuration so coercion overrides are done in an explicit manner. 
    • TAP5-2650 - Change TypeCoercer configuration to MappedConfiguration CLOSED
  • It's not possible to use the Tapestry request handling framework, specially the RequestFilter, Dispatcher, Request, Response and HttpServletRequestFilter classes, without the page framework. These classes were moved to a new artifact, tapestry-http, which can be used in place of tapestry-core (which depends on tapestry-http). tapestry-http Servlet filter class is org.apache.tapestry5.http.TapestryFilter. The original TapestryFilter, from org.apache.tapestry5, can be used in the same way way as in past Tapestry versions.

Please check all the details in Release Notes 5.7.0.

Tapestry 5.6.2 is a drop-in replacement for Tapestry 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 releases. It's a recommended upgrade for 5.6.1 and 5.6.0. To upgrade, just update the dependency in your build configuration (Maven POM, Gradle build script, etc.) – or Download the new JAR file -- and the new version will just work. However, please review the How to Upgrade instructions before upgrading.

The most interesting improvement is  TAP5-2640 - tapestry-json improvements (implement Collection/Map, better exceptions) CLOSED : better exceptions in tapestry-json code, plus JSONArray now implementing Collection and JSONObject implementing Map.

Please check all the details in Release Notes 5.6.2.

Tapestry 5.6.1 is a bugfix release.  To upgrade, just update the dependency in your build configuration (Maven POM, Gradle build script, etc.) – or Download the new JAR file -- and the new version should just work.

The only change is  Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. , which caused asset requests to fail if your webapp doesn't have Apache commons-lang in the classpath.

Tapestry 5.6.0 is the new major release. To upgrade, just update the dependency in your build configuration (Maven POM, Gradle build script, etc.) – or Download the new JAR file -- and the new version should just work.

The main new features are:

  • Support for Java 14 bytecode.
  • Automatically generated WAI-ARIA attributes for form fields for better accessibility.

See more details at the release notes.

Tapestry 5.5.0 is the new major release. To upgrade, just update the dependency in your build configuration (Maven POM, Gradle build script, etc.) – or Download the new JAR file -- and the new version should just work.

The main new features are:

  • Support for Java 12 bytecode.
  • Support for on-the-fly TypeScript compilation in the tapestry-webresources module. 
  • Ability to use Twitter Bootstrap 3 out-of-the-box (default and same version provided by Tapestry 5.4), Twitter Bootstrap 4 out-of-the-box (introduced in Tapestry 5.5.0) or provide your own CSS (in this case, Tapestry doesn't provide any CSS at all). 
  • The If component now has a then parameter. 

See more details at the release notes.

Tapestry 5.4.5 is a drop-in replacement for Tapestry 5.4 releases. To upgrade, just update the dependency in your build configuration (Maven POM, Gradle build script, etc.) – or Download the new JAR file -- and the new version will just work. However, please review the How to Upgrade instructions before upgrading.

This is a recommended upgrade due to including security improvements.

Check 5.4.5 release notes for all the details.

Tapestry 5.4.2

We have created another release in the 5.4.x series. This should be a drop-in replacement for 5.4.x.

Release Notes