See The Pragmatic Programmer for more insights into building solid code.
The Tapestry IoC container takes over all the plumbing necessary for a highly scalable, extensible, thread-safe, testable application. Please see the main Tapestry IoC overview for more details.
The basic unit in Tapestry IoC is a service. A service consists of a service interface and a service implementation. The service interface is an ordinary Java interface. The service implementation is a Java object that implements the service interface. Often there will only be a single service per service interface, but in some situations, there may be many different services and service implementations all sharing the same service interface.
The point of Injection is a field, method parameter, or constructor parameter that receives an injected value. The type of service (or other dependency) is determined by the type of the field or parameter. Often, annotations further identify what is to be injected, or in the case of field injection, that an injection is required.
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