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Create, Update and Delete operations for an entity will be done by services which we will be writing in minilang.
At first approach we will write our own services for performing these operations for making a better understanding with it.
Onwards we will be doing this by calling already implemented services.
For doing so we will take the entities from Party model which are:
A person is a party so for the creation of a person first a party needs to be created with partyTypeId="PERSON".
So there can be two ways to do that:
1. Create service for the creation of a party with type Person.
2. Create a party first in the service which will be creating person.


Steps to be followed for writing Services

Step - 1: Create directory by name "servicedef" in component directory "practice". This directory will contain all the service definition files e.g. services.xml, secas.xml.
Note If it is a service which is written in Java then it will be placed in "src" directory and if it is a service which is written in minilang then it will be placed in script directory. e.g. for java applications/party/src/org/ofbiz/party/party/ and for minilang applications/party/script/org/ofbiz/party/party/PartyInvitationServices.xml. Respective class path and file path will be mentioned in the service definition.
*Step - 2 :*In controller you have to create an entry for the request for the execution of a service and set the response like


So whenever you make any change in any service definition then you must restart the server to have changes in effect.

Writing CRUD


Operations for Party



First we will be writing services for Party then while writing services for creating Person we will be calling the service for party.
Step - 1 :Create a file by name "services.xml" in servicedef directory.
Step - 2 : Define services for CRUD operations for Party entity. Name of services will be createPracticeParty, updatePracticeParty, deletePracticeParty and specify the correct location to the file where these services will be implemented like /framework/example/script/org/ofbiz/example/example/ExampleServices.xml.
Step - 3 : Create directory structure and PracticeServices.xml file in your component directory for giving the implementation of these services.
(For implementation take reference from services.xml and ExampleServices.xml files of Example component)
Note : Do not use the <override> tag as it is introduced later in the tutorial. 
From this place if you want to run these services then you can run them by webtools--> Run Service . By this place you can test your services.
Note: At this place you must read This feature has been recently added against the traditional approach of writing CRUD operations for an entity.
This new feature enables you to just define the services by mentioning the operation you want to perform.Basically just set the engine attribute to "entity-auto" and the invoke attribute to "create", "update", or "delete".
like you can take a look in the following code from services.xml of example component:  


engine="entity-auto" invoke="create" play the role for creating the records for the default-entity "Example."
Here for practice you may go by following further steps those steps will help you in understanding the concept then onwards you can practice the pattern given above  in your code as its the best practice for these kind of simple operations in OFBiz.

Writing CRUD


Operations for Person



- Here for the creation of record for person entity we will need to have the partyId for that so we will first call the service createPracticeParty then after getting the partyId we will create the record for person.
- Here we will be adding one add form in the bottom of the list form which we have for the person entity. This form will be calling the services for creating a record for person.
Step - 1 : Create the add form for the creation of person and add this in the same screen for person form.


Here the path is the classpath in which this event is defined. 
The file name will be and will be created at  practice/src/org/hotwax/practice.

Simple Minilang Event

Step - 6 : Now in the script/org/hotwax/practice/ create one file by name PracticeEvents.xml.
Step - 7 : Write the event in PracticeEvents.xml file by name createPracticePersonSimpleEvent.(For reference you can go through the event "createUser" from UserEvents.xml from party component)
The event which you will be writing should be the simple one as you just have to process 5 fields coming from the form which are salutation, firstName, middleName, lastName, suffix. and then you have to call the createPracticePerson service.
For processing the field you will be using simple map processor as you have read earlier. 
Follow these steps for writing the event:
7.a : Process fields coming from the form like: 


7.b : Create some Ui labels for showing them in fail-property like PracticeFirstNameMissingError.
7.c : Now call service createPracticePerson service by passing out map which is obtained after processing fields as a in map to the service.
OutPut Screen :

Java Event

Here the java event which you will be writing will be fairly simple. For reference you can check any of the * file.
Step - 1 : The contents will be :


Code Block
<menu name="EcaMenu" default-menu-item-name="seca" default-selected-style="selected"
       type="simple" menu-container-style="button-bar button-style-2" selected-menuitem-context-field-name="headerItem">
      <menu-item name="seca" title="Create Person --- SECA">
          <link target="seca"/>
      <menu-item name="eeca" title="Create Person --- EECA">
          <link target="eeca"/>



Step - 1 : For this you have to write another service by name "createPartyRoleVisitor",  which will be setting the role for the party which will be created by "createPracticePerson" service.
The service "createPartyRoleVisitor" will be triggered by the seca rule which you will define for service "createPracticePerson".
In the new service involved entity will by "PartyRole". In "createPartyRoleVisitor" just call service "createPartyRole" which is already implemented.
Step - 2 :  Now you have to create a file by name "secas.xml" in "servicedef" directory. Seca definition will come here. (Take reference from secas.xml of "party" component). This will be


Step - 3 : Do an entry in ofbiz-component.xml file for this seca definition to to be loaded. It will be :
<service-resource type="eca" loader="main" location="servicedef/secas.xml"/>
Don't forget to restart the server after doing this entry.
Now run the service through form and check the records in PartyRole entity. You will find a role is set for the party created because synchrounously you have triggered another service by seca rule for setting up the role for the party created.



Step - 1 : For this you have to write another service by name "createPartyRoleCustomer",  which will be setting the role for the party which will be created means when a record for the entity "Party" will be created this service will be triggered for setting a role customer for that party. The service "createPartyRoleCustomer" will be similar to "createPartyRoleVisitor".
Step - 2 :  Now you have to create a file by name "eecas.xml" in "entitydef" directory, which will be in your component directory "practice". Eeca definition will come here. (Take reference from eecas.xml of "accounting" component). This will be :
