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   <T extends Metric> T metric(T metric);

  /** Registers LongGaugeRemoves custom metric named '"custom." + {@code name}'. */
longMetricremoveMetric(String name, LongSupplier valueSupplier, @Nullable String description);

/** @return custom Metric registry named '"custom." + {@code name}'. */
ReadOnlyMetricRegistry registry(String name);

// Simple type metrics.

  /** Registers LongMetric. */
LongConsumer longMetric(String name, @Nullable String description);

  /** Registers DoubleGaugeDoubleMetric. */
voidDoubleConsumer doubleMetric(String name, DoubleSupplier valueSupplier, @Nullable String description);

  /** Registers DoubleMetricBooleanMetric. */
DoubleConsumerConsumer<Boolean> doubleMetricbooleanMetric(String name, @Nullable String description);

  /** Registers BooleanGaugeObjectMetric. */
void booleanMetric<T> Consumer<T> objectMetric(String name, BooleanSupplierClass<T> valueSuppliervalueType, @Nullable String description);

// Might be useful the gauges:

  /** Registers BooleanMetricDoubleGauge. */
Consumer<Boolean>void booleanMetricdoubleMetric(String name, DoubleSupplier valueSupplier, @Nullable String description);

  /** Registers ObjectGaugeBooleanGauge. */
<T> void objectMetricbooleanMetric(String name, Class<T> valueType, Supplier<T>BooleanSupplier valueSupplier, @Nullable String description);

  /** Registers ObjectMetricObjectGauge. */
Consumer<T>void objectMetric(String name, Class<T> valueType, Supplier<T> valueSupplier, @Nullable String description);

  /** Removes custom metric named '"custom." + {@code name}'. Registers LongGauge. */
removeMetriclongMetric(String name);
,   /** @return custom Metric registry named '"custom." + {@code name}'. */
ReadOnlyMetricRegistry registry(String nameLongSupplier valueSupplier, @Nullable String description);

Risks and Assumptions

    Custom metrics can affect the performance.
