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Comment: Update after OFBIZ-5312

Following OFBIZ-5378 this document is marked as deprecated (only few points are actually). It will be completly reviewed and updated as soon as we get a chance. Fore now, please refer to the documentation in the README file in the OFBiz root or in the download page if you find deprecated instructions in this document.

Demo and Test Setup Guide


If you run into trouble there are various resources available to help. The first steps would be to search on the New OFBiz Docs Site and Old OFBiz Wiki (now archived), and then on the OFBiz Mailing Lists. If you can't find you answer there, then subscribe to the Apache OFBiz Users Mailing List, and send a message with as much detail as possible about the problem you are having.

Quick & Easy Setup

You can There are 3 possibilities to get up and running OFBiz quickly by downloading the OFBiz Complete distribution and following some simple instructions:

For more options and explanations, see the rest of this document.

  1. Download and install the Java 2 v1.5 series 1.6 or higher JDK/J2SDK (not the JRE, you need the full SDK) from Sun's Java (J2SE) site if . If you intent to use a release prior to R10R11.04 or trunk else then use Java 1.5. 6In any case, and make sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to this JDK after installation (NOTE that for Mac OS X no JVM setup is needed, just make sure Java is up to date with the OS X Software Update facility). Note also that OpenJdk is still not recommended, there are still some compilation problmems with it (today: 2010-05-27)You can use OpenJdk 7 (or higher) from R12.04. By and large see this page on system requirements.
  2. "Download" OFBiz Download the OFBiz release archive and unzip it in the directory of your choice (see comments below about that, so for now checking out of SVN repository is preferred, see below...). This should create one sub-directory: ofbiz. This will be the OFBIZ_HOME location.
  3. (not for snapshots) Load OFBiz demo data in the embedded Apache Derby data base running "ant load-demo" on Windows or "./ant load-demo" on Linux/Unix/OSX ("ant run-install" or "./ant run-install" for versions prior to R12.04).
  4. Start OFBiz with embedded Tomcat by going into the ofbiz directory and then running
    • Windows: "ant start" ("ant run" for version prior to R12.04) or "startofbiz.bat" (or even "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -jar ofbiz.jar")
    for Windows,
    • Linux/Unix/OSX: "./ant start" ("./ant run" for version prior to R12.04) or "./" (or even "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ofbiz.jar")
    for Linux/Unix. For OS X you can just run "java -jar ofbiz.jar" and you don't need to setup the JAVA_HOME or anything because it is already there
    • .
  5. Open a browser and go to for the ecommerce application or for the WebTools application or for the Catalog Manager application.
  6. The default administrative account is username: "admin", password: "ofbiz".
  7. Have fun with it! You are running on a Java database. For more discussion of databases, read the section below on that topic.
  8. For more detailed options and configuration information, read on!




When building from SVN you will need to have a Java 1.5 series J2SDK (NOT just the JRE, need to full SDK) as mentioned above, for release prior to R10.04 or trunk else use 1.6. The build is done using , a release or a svn checkout, you will use Ant, and sufficient Ant libraries are included with OFBiz. If you have Ant installed separately just make sure you have version 1.5 or later, and then run Ant as normal intead of as listed in the following examplesembedded with OFBiz.

In the directory where you want OFBiz to be, do a SVN checkout of, for instance, the ofbiz trunk (releases branches are also availble). For example:

svn co ofbiz

For information on connecting to SVN click heresee above.

Now go into the "ofbiz" directory and run "ant.bat" (Windows), or "./ant" (Linux/Unix/OSX). It will compile all modules and leave you an executable jar (ofbiz.jar) in the "ofbiz" directory.To load the seed and demo data, run "ant.bat run-install" or "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -jar ofbiz.jar install" (Windows), or "./ant run-install" or*"$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ofbiz.jar install"* (Linux/Unix/OSX)

titleAbout Ant
  • On *nix platforms, You need to add "./" ahead of "ant" to get the embedded ant running. On Windows it's normally not needed, but in case, the same can be achieved using "ant.bat". If on a *nix plaftorm you have Ant installed separately just make sure you have version 1.9 or later.Then you can run the "ant" command as normal intead of always adding "./" ahead of it.
  • Note that when running an ant commant a Java command line is generated on the following line. You can copy and use/modify it suiting your needs...

To load the seed and demo data, from run

  • prior to R12.04: ant run-install
  • trunk and from R12.04: "ant load-demo"
    As an alternative to the previous step: to load the seed data only


  • : "ant load-seed"

To start the server run

  • prior to R12.04: "ant


  • run"
  • trunk and from R12.04: "ant start"

Another build option in the Ant build script that is useful is "ant .bat clean" (Windows) or "./ant clean" (Linux/Unix/OSX). That will clean out all built classes allowing you to run "ant" again to get a clean build. If you are running into funny errors after updating from SVN in the future, give this clean build process a try first.

You can get more information about available ant possiblities using "ant -p" (Windows) or "./ant -p" (Linux/Unix/OSX)

Database Setup

Database setup is done in the entityengine.xml file. There are many options there which are described in the Entity Engine Configuration Guide

The OFBiz package comes with Apache Derby, an open source Java database from IBM that complies with DB2 specs and is based on the IBM Cloudscape product. This database is good for demonstration purposes because it is easy to setup and use. It is not the best for large data sets and does not provide the same performance or scalability that a major database would, but compared to HypersonicSQL (that we used to use) it is significantly better because while not as fast for small scale operations it is closer to a production database environment and allows us to catch issues earlier on. Smaller sites might even consider this as an option for their production deployment, especially once the database is a bit more stabilized.

There are many open source databases that will scale well and deliver good performance. The two most popular are PostgreSQL and MySQL (4.1. 11 or later, or the 5 series) . Postgres is a very full featured database with transaction support, foreign keys, stored procedures, et cetera. Postgres also has very friendly license terms. MySQL is a pretty good option these days as well but we recommend PostgreSQL. Please note that if you use this MySQL in a commercial production instance you may have to purchase a commercial license because it is GPL licensed and so is the JDBC driver. MySQL AB allows use of the JDBC driver in open source projects in spite the GPL license, but this may not apply for commercial use of a modified OFBiz. For some a commercial license is the preferred way to go anyway because of support and warranty and other issues. For those with this preference considering Postgres there is also a commercial Postgres derivative called EnterpriseDB.


Default data can be loaded through the "runload-installdemo" Ant target as mentioned in the Building from SVN section.
