Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


11) scp kafka_X.Y.Z-src* to a folder on a web server
12) ssh in a virtual machine, been using
13) wget the file
14) tar -xvf kafka-X.Y.Z-src.tgz
15) verify signings and hashes
16) run quick start
17) cd kafka-X.Y.Z-src && ./sbt release-tar
18) sign the binary

  • gpg --print-md MD5 kafka_2.N.0-X.Y.Z.tar.gz > kafka_2.N.0-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.md5
  • gpg --armor --output kafka_2.N.0-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig kafka_2.N.0-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
  • gpg --print-md SHA1 kafka_X.Y.Z-src.tgz > kafka_X.Y.Z-src.tgz.sh1
    19) create file RELEASE_NOTES.html
  1. add the html version of release notes
    vi RELEASE-NOTES.html
    Go to Apache JIRA and click on the version X.Y.Z
    Click Release Notes
    Configure it to output html
    copy paste that to RELEASE-NOTES.html
    If the release includes new Features, include the following in the
    Release Notes -
    20) upload files to directory for voting
    21) ./sbt "++2.8.0 publish"
    22) ./sbt "++2.8.2 publish"
    23) ./sbt "++2.9.1 publish"
    24) ./sbt "++2.9.2 publish"
    25) ./sbt "++2.10.1 publish"
    26) close nexus staging if everything checks out
    27) call VOTE