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  1. Basic Framework Review
  2. The Webapp Framework
    1. Control Servlet
      1. ofbiz/framework/webapp/dtd/site-conf.xsd
      2. component://<component-name>/webapp/<webapp-name>/WEB-INF/controller.xml
      3. Requests
      4. Request Events
        1. Event Context (parameters and return values)
        2. Event Handlers/Types
        3. Service Events
        4. simple-method Events
        5. Java Events
        6. Designing a new Event Handler
      5. Special Events: firstvisit, preprocessor, postprocessor, after-login
      6. Request Responses
        1. View Handlers/Types
        2. Designing a new View Handler
    2. Screen Widget Based Views - Templates, Widgets, etc
      1. Screen Widget
        1. Screen Definitions
        2. ofbiz/framework/widget/dtd/widget-screen.xsd
        3. component://<component-name>/widgets/**/*Screens.xml
        4. Screen -> Section
        5. Section -> Actions
        6. Section -> Widgets
        7. Section -> Conditions
        8. Screen Contexts (protected, inherited, etc)
        9. parameters Map: request attributes, request parameters, session attributes, application attributes
        10. Screen Decoration Pattern
      2. Form Widget
        1. Form Definitions
        2. ofbiz/framework/widget/dtd/widget-form.xsd
        3. component://<component-name>/widgets/**/*Forms.xml
        4. Form Element
        5. Form Actions
        6. Form Auto-Fields from Entities and Services
        7. Form Fields
        8. Form Sort Order
      3. Menu Widget
        1. Menu Definitions
        2. ofbiz/framework/widget/dtd/widget-menu.xsd
        3. component://<component-name>/widgets/**/*Menus.xml
        4. Menu Items
      4. Tree Widget
        1. Tree Definitions
        2. ofbiz/framework/widget/dtd/widget-tree.xsd
        3. component://<component-name>/widgets/**/*Trees.xml
        4. Tree Nodes
      5. BeanShell
        1. Data Preparation Actions
        2. http://www.beanshell.orgImage Removed
        3. component://<component-name>/webapp/<webapp-name>/WEB-INF/actions/*/.bsh
        4. Java Syntax, with some scripting like features
        5. Dynamic Types
      6. FreeMarker
        1. Content Templates
        2. http://www.freemarker.orgImage Removed
        3. component://<component-name>/webapp/<webapp-name>/*/.ftl
        4. PHP-like Syntax with Java Robustness and Flexibility
        5. Control Constructs (#if/#else/#elseif, #list, #assign)
        6. Built-ins
        7. Existence Concept and Fail-Fast (?exists, ?has_content, ?if_exists)
        8. OFBiz-specific Transforms: ofbizUrl, ofbizContentUrl, etc
      7. Generating PDFs (or other print formatted documents)
        1. Introduction to XSL:FO - Like HTML, but for Page Oriented Layout
        2. A Powerful Combination: Screen Widget, BeanShell, FreeMarker, and FOP
        3. How to Setup the view-map in controller.xml
    3. JPublish Based Views - Generic Templates
      1. JPublish
        1. Page Definitions
        2. http://www.jpublish.orgImage Removed
        3. component://<component-name>/webapp/<webapp-name>/WEB-INF/jpublish.xml
        4. component://<component-name>/webapp/<webapp-name>/WEB-INF/pagedefs/*/.xml
        5. Page Variables
        6. Decoration Templates
        7. Content, Template, and Page Actions
      2. Just as in Screen Widget use BeanShell for data preparation and FreeMarker for templates
    4. Region Based Views - Servlet/JSP Templates
      1. ofbiz/framework/webapp/dtd/regions.xsd
      2. Region Framework
        1. Defining Template Based Regions
        2. Defining Inheritance or Region Based Regions
        3. Using, or Not Using, Sections
      3. OFBiz Taglib
        1. URL Tags
        2. Conditional Tags
        3. Flow Control Tags
        4. Data Presentation Tags
        5. Internationalization Tags
        6. Service Engine Tags
        7. Other Tags
  3. MiniLang
    1. ofbiz/framework/minilang/dtd/simple-methods.xsd
    2. *Services.xml, *SimpleMethods.xml, et cetera
    3. simple-map-processor
      1. General Concept
      2. Make In String Operations
      3. Process Field Operations
    4. simple-method
      1. General Concept
      2. Call Operations
      3. Java Call Operations
      4. Control and Error Handling Operations
      5. Event Specific Operations
      6. Service Specific Operations
      7. Method Environment Operations
      8. Entity Engine Misc. Operations
      9. Entity Engine Find Operations
      10. Entity Engine Value Operations
      11. Entity Engine List Operations
      12. Entity Engine Transaction Operations
      13. Conditional (If) Operations
      14. Other Operations
    5. Some Examples


  1. The Workflow Engine
    1. Process Management Concepts
      1. Workflow Style
        1. States & Transitions
        2. WfMC & OMG
        3. OFBiz Workflow
        4. Shark & JaWE
      2. Message Flow Style
        1. Messages & Nodes (consumers & producers)
        2. ebXML BPSS (Business Process Specification, like interface)
        3. BPML & BPMI
        4. SOAP Related Standards
    2. Workflow Concepts - WfMC Style
      1. Processes
      2. Activities
        1. Manual Start/End
        2. Automatic Start/End
      3. Transitions
      4. Splitting and Merging
      5. Workflow Data Context
      6. Asynchronous Execution
    3. The OFBiz Workflow Engine
      1. NOTE: The OFBiz Workflow Engine is planned to be replaced by the Shark Workflow Engine, so this is more informational than representative what will be covered.
      2. Workflow Engine Architecture
        1. Service Engine Based
          1. Calling Workflows Through Service Engine
          2. Calling Other Services in a Workflow
        2. Uses Entity Engine for Workflow Definition and Run-Time Data Persistence
      3. Designing Workflows
        1. What Needs to be Done?
        2. Who Will Do What?
        3. What Dependencies Exist Between Activities?
      4. Defining Workflows
        1. Basic XPDL
        2. Working With Parties, Groups, and Roles
        3. OFBiz Extensions
      5. Importing and Managing Workflow Definitions
      6. Running Workflows
      7. Interacting With Running Workflows
      8. Client API (UI development)
      9. Monitoring & Testing Workflows
    4. The Enhydra Shark Workflow Engine
      1. Removed
      2. OFBiz Shark Integration (wrappers, etc)
      3. Shark Webapp
      4. Integration and Usage Status
  2. Rule Engines
    1. General Concepts
      1. Inferencing Engines (Forward/Backward Chaining, Prolog-style)
      2. Constraint-based Optimization
    2. Open Source Engines (JBoss Rules, Mandarax, etc)
    3. The Old (gone) OFBiz Rule Engine
    4. Commercial Rule Engines: Enterprise Oriented and Big Bucks (Blaze, iLog, etc)
  3. The Data File Tool
    1. The Wonderful World of Flat Files
    2. Generic Data Structures for Flat File Data (very similar to the Entity Engine structures)
    3. ofbiz/framework/datafile/dtd/datafiles.xsd
    4. XML file locations vary, usually under the script directory (ie on the classpath)
    5. Defining Data Files
    6. The Data File API
