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Use Case Name

Create/Edit Catalog

ActorCatalog Manager



The Catalog Manager accesses the catalog.



Basic Path

  1. User selects 'Catalogs' menu item.

  2. System displays a search form and a by default list of catalog in the system.
  3. Click on catalogId.
  4. System displays edit product catalog page.
  5. User enters the information and click on 'Update' button.
  6. catalog is updated.
  7. User clicks on 'New Prod Catalog' button.
  8. System displays a form to create a new catalog.
  9. User enters the information and click on 'Update' button.
  10. New product catalog is created.


User is able to Create/Edit catalog.


Use Case Name

Create/Build Category Hierarchy

ActorCatalog Manager



The Catalog Manager accesses the catalog.



Basic Path

  1. User selects 'Category' menu item.

  2. User clicks on 'New Category' button.
  3. System displays create category page with a form with text fields asking for category Id, category type, category name, description, primary parent category. None of the field is mandatory.
  4. Users enters the information and click on 'Update' button.
  5. Category is created.
  6. User click on 'ROLL UP' tab.
  7. System displays a edit category roll up page.
  8. User enters 'parent category' and 'child category' and click on 'Add' button.
  9. Category parent and child category are been added.
  10. User clicks on 'Products' tab.
  11. System displays edit category products page.
  12. User enters information under 'Add Product Category Member' section and click on 'Add' button.
  13. Product is added under category.


User is able to Create/Build category hierarchy.


Use Case Name

Find/Update Category

ActorCatalog Manager

Create/Build Category Hierarchy.


The catalog Manager accesses the catalog.


Parent or root category exist in the system.

Basic Path

  1. User selects 'Categories' menu item.

  2. System displays a Categories page.
  3. User clicks on 'Find' button.
  4. System displays default category list.
  5. User enters category Id or category name in the text field and clicks on 'Find' button.
  6. System displays category list according to search criteria.
  7. User click on categoryId.
  8. System displays a detailed view page of category.
  9. Update category type,category name, description, primary parent category, image url, upload category image and click on Update button.
  10. Category is updated.


User is able to find and update the category.


Use Case Name

Create Product

ActorCatalog Manager



The Catalog Manager accesses the catalog.


At-least one category exists which can be linked as primary category to the product.

Basic Path

  1. User selects 'Products' menu item.

  2. User clicks on 'New Product' button.
  3. The system displays a form with text fields. Internal name is mandatory field,  productId is auto generated if not filled. There are other field primary category, introduction date, release date, inventory, rate, measures .

  4. User enters the information and clicks on 'Create' button.

  5. The Product is created.

Alternative Path 1

After step 3, if user enters product id of a existing product in the system, then it displays a notification message to the user.

Alternative Path 2

In step 3, if user does not enter any information in mandatory field(s), then system displays validation message.


User is able to create the product in the system.


Use Case Name

Find/Update/Manage Product

ActorCatalog Manager

Create Product


The Catalog Manager accesses the catalog.


Product exist in the system.

Basic Path

  1. User selects 'Products' menu item.

  2. System displays Find Product page.
  3. User clicks on 'Find' button.
  4. System displays default product list.
  5. User enters product Id or internal name in the text field and clicks on 'Find' button.
  6. System displays product list according to search criteria.
  7. Click on product Id.
  8. System displays edit product page.
  9. Update internal name, primary category, dates, inventory, rate, amount, measure and click on Update Product button.
  10. Product is updated.

Alternative Path 1

In step 9, System displays an error message if internal name is left blank.


User is able to find and update the product in the system.


Use Case Name

Duplicate Product

ActorCatalog Manager



The Catalog Manager accesses the catalog.


At-least one product exists which can be cloned.

Basic Path

  1. User selects 'Products' menu item.

  2. System displays Find Product page.

  3. User clicks on 'Find' button.

  4. System displays default product list.

  5. User clicks on productId of product to be cloned.
  6. System displays edit product page with a section 'Duplicate Product'.
  7. User enters name, description of the product and select the attributes to be cloned  and click on 'Duplicate' button.
  8. Duplicate product is created.

Alternative Path 1

In step 3, if user does not enter any information in mandatory field(s), then system displays validation message.


User is able to create the duplicate product in the system.


Use Case Name

Product image management

ActorCatalog Manager



The Catalog Manager accesses the catalog.


At-least one product exists in the system.

Basic Path

  1. User selects 'Image Management' menu item.

  2. User enters productId and click on 'Submit' button.

  3. System displays Gallery page which displays added images.

  4. User clicks on 'UPLOAD' tab.

  5. System displays a page to upload images.

  6. User browse for images in his local system and upload it on system by clicking on 'Upload' button.
  7. Image is uploaded.


User is able to manage images in the system.


Use Case Name

Product inventory management

ActorCatalog Manager



The Catalog Manager accesses the catalog.


At-least one product exists in the system.

Basic Path

  1. User selects 'Products' menu item.
  2. System displays Find Product page.
  3. User clicks on 'Find' button.
  4. System displays default product list.
  5. User enters product Id or internal name in the text field and clicks on 'Find' button.
  6. System displays product list according to search criteria.
  7. Click on product Id.
  8. System displays edit product page.
  9. User clicks on inventory section.
  10. System displays a from for filling information.
  11. User enters information and click on 'Update Product' button.
  12. Inventory is updated.


User is able to manage inventory in the system.


Use Case Name

Create/Update/Remove cross-sell/up-sell products

ActorCatalog Manager



The Catalog Manager accesses the catalog.

Basic Path

  1. User selects 'Product' menu item.

  2. System displays Find Product page.

  3. User clicks on 'Find' button.

  4. System displays default product list.

  5. User enters product Id or internal name in the text field and clicks on 'Find' button.

  6. System displays product list according to search criteria.

  7. Click on product Id.

  8. System displays edit product page.

  9. User clicks on 'Associations' tab.

  10. System displays edit product association page with a form.
  11. User enters information and click on 'Create' button.
  12. Product association is done.


User is able to Create/Update/Remove cross-sell/up-sell products in the system.


Use Case Name

Create Promotion

ActorCatalog Manager



The Catalog Manager accesses the Catalog.



Basic Path

  1. User chooses the 'Promos' menu item.

  2. User clicks on 'New Product Promo' button.

  3. System displays edit product promo page.

  4. User enter promo name(mandatory field), text limit per order, limit per customer, limit per promotion and click on 'Update' button.
  5. The Promotion is successfully created with a unique promo id.
Alternative Path 1
In step 4, if user does not enter promo name then system displays error message.


User is able to create the promotion.


Use Case Name

Find Promotion

ActorCatalog Manager

Create Promotion


The Catalog Manager accesses the Catalog.


Promotion exist in the system.

Basic Path

  1. User chooses the 'Promos' menu item. 

  2. System displays product promotions list with promoId, promo name, promo text and created date.
  3. User clicks on promoId.
  4. System displays edit product promo page.
  5. User edits promo name, text, limit per code and other fields, and click on 'Update' button.
  6. Promotion is updated.


User is able to find and update the promotions in the system.


Use Case Name

Create Price Rule

ActorCatalog Manager



The Catalog Manager accesses the catalog.


User want to create a Price Rule.

Basic Path

  1. User selects 'Price Rule' menu item.
  2. System displays 'Add Price Rule' section with a name field and 'Add' button.

  3. User enters Name and click on Add button.

  4. Price rule is created and navigated to create Product Price Rule page.
  5. User add condition and actions to the price rule and click on 'Add' button.
  6. Price Rule is created with conditions and actions.

Alternative Path 1

In step 3, if user does not enter the name then system will show an error message for the missing value.


Price Rule is created in the system.


Use Case Name

Find/Update Price Rule

ActorCatalog Manager
XRefCreate Price Rule.


The Catalog Manager accesses the catalog.



Basic Path

  1. User click on 'Price Rule' menu item.

  2. System displays a list with all price rules.
  3. Click on 'Edit' button.
  4. System displays edit product price rule page.
  5. User updates name, description, conditions, actions and click on 'Update' button.
  6. Price rule is updated.


User is able to Find/Update price rule.


User searches reviews either through productId, status or content of the review. Search result will be displayed according to searched criteria. table contains productId, Status, Customer name, product rating, review comment. User can update review rating and comments. User can approve or reject the review.

Use Case:

Use Case NameManage Product Reviews
ActorCatalog Manager
TriggerUser manages reviews.
PreconditionThe Catalog Manager accesses the catalog.
Basic path
  1. User selects 'Reviews' menu item.
  2. System displays a Reviews page with search options and search results sections.

  3. User clicks on [Find] button.

  4. System displayed default reviews list.
  5. User selects 'Approved' status from status dropdown and clicks on [Find] button.
  6. System displays respective Reviews which has been approved. 
  7. User updates the ratings and comments for a review and clicks on [Update] button.
  8. Review is updated.
  9. User selects 'Pending' status from status dropdown and clicks on [Find] button.
  10. System displays respective Reviews which are pending.
  11. User updates ratings and comments for a review and clicks on [Update] button.
  12. Review is updated.
  13. Click on 'Approve' button.
  14. The review gets approved.
  15. Click on 'Reject' button.
  16. The review is been rejected and status is of that review becomes deleted.
  17. User selects 'Deleted' status from status dropdown and clicks on [Find] button.
  18. System displays respective Reviews which are deleted. 
  19. User clicks on product name link.
  20. The System displays the product overview page for the same product.
Post-conditioncatalog manager is able to manage the reviews.