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Use Case Name

Create Promotion

ActorCatalog Manager
Description XRefNoneA user has identified some items he wish to promote, so he will create a promotion with some terms and conditions.


The Catalog Manager accesses the Catalog.



Basic Path

  1. User chooses the 'Promos' menu item.

  2. User clicks on '[New Product Promo' ] button.

  3. System displays edit product promo page.

  4. User enter promo name(mandatory field), text limit per order, limit per customer, limit per promotion and click on '[Update' ] button.
  5. The Promotion is successfully created with a unique promo id.
Alternative Path 1
In step 4, if user does not enter promo name then system displays error message.


User is able to create the promotion.


Use Case Name

Find Promotion

ActorCatalog Manager
Description A user is finding the desired promotion he wants to update, so he will update the information and conditions for that promotions.

Create Promotion


The Catalog Manager accesses the Catalog.


Promotion exist in the system.

Basic Path

  1. User chooses the 'Promos' menu item. 

  2. System displays product promotions list with promoId, promo name, promo text and created date.
  3. User clicks on any promoId.
  4. System displays edit product promo page.
  5. User edits updates promo name, text, limit per code and other fields, and click on '[Update' ] button.
  6. Promotion is gets successfully updated.


User is able to find and update the promotions in the system.


User creates new Price Rule(Sale) in the system. The user should enter the basic information while creating the sale such as Name(Mandatory), Activation Period(validity duration) and Sale Rule flag(default yes). User enters the conditions for rule i.e. product and category list on which rule will be applicable. User can add one or more conditions for the rule(sale). After that, User enters the actions to be performed on that conditions. The benefits or impact of the sale can be percentage discount or flat selling price. One or more benefits (actions) can be associated per sale at a time. If sale exists in system then only 'sale!' will be displayed on store front and product(s) will appear in that sale.


Use Case Name

Create Price Rule

ActorCatalog Manager
Description XRefNoneCatalog manager creates 'Sale' for some specific items.


The Catalog Manager accesses the catalog.


User want to create a Price Rule.

Basic Path

  1. User selects 'Price Rule' menu item.
  2. System displays 'Add Price Rule' section with a name field and '[Add' ] button.

  3. User enters Name and click clicks on [Add] button.

  4. Price rule is successfully created and user will be navigated to create Product Price Rule page.
  5. User add condition and actions to the price rule and click on '[Add' ] button.
  6. Price Rule is successfully created with entered conditions and actions.

Alternative Path 1

In step 3, if user does not enter the name then system will show an error message for the missing value.


Price Rule is created in the system.


User goes to price rule menu and finds all the price rules available in the system be it active or expired. User can edit/update the rule(sale) and also extend duration of sale. User addsAdds/updatesUpdates/deletes Deletes the conditions for the saleSale. User also addsAdds/updates Updates from overridden price to percentage discount and vice versa. Also the product and/or categories can be removed and added for the respective sale.


Use Case Name

Find/Update Price Rule

ActorCatalog ManagerCatalog Manager
DescriptionThe user identified desired sale and update the information and associated items in it.Description 
XRefCreate Price Rule.


The Catalog Manager accesses the catalog.



Basic Path

  1. User click on 'Price Rule' menu item.

  2. System displays a list with all price rules.
  3. Click on '[Edit' ] button.
  4. System displays edit product price rule page.
  5. User updates name, description, conditions, actions and click on '[Update' ] button.
  6. Price rule is gets successfully updated.


User is able to Find/Update price rule.


Use Case NameManage Product Reviews
ActorCatalog Manager
Description User manages and publishes the Reviews by updating their details and statuses.
TriggerUser manages reviews.
PreconditionThe Catalog Manager accesses the catalog.
Basic path
  1. User selects 'Reviews' menu item.
  2. System displays a Reviews page with search options and search results sections.

  3. User clicks on [Find] button.

  4. System displayed default reviews list.
  5. User selects 'Approved' status from status dropdown and clicks on [Find] button.
  6. System displays respective Reviews which has been approved. 
  7. User updates the ratings and comments for a review and clicks on [Update] button.
  8. Review is gets successfully updated.
  9. User selects 'Pending' status from status dropdown and clicks on [Find] button.
  10. System displays respective Reviews which are pending.
  11. User updates ratings and comments for a review and clicks on [Update] button.
  12. Review is gets successfully updated.
  13. Click on '[Approve' ] button.
  14. The review gets approved successfully.
  15. Click on '[Reject' ] button.
  16. The review is been rejected and status is of that review becomes deleted'Deleted'.
  17. User selects 'Deleted' status from status dropdown drop-down and clicks on [Find] button.
  18. System displays respective Reviews which are deleted. 
  19. User clicks on product name link.
  20. The System displays the product overview page for the same product.
Post-conditioncatalog manager is able to manage the reviews.