Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Example file-base-name: apache-ofbiz-4.0.0, or for framework only: apache-ofbiz-framework-4.0.0
  2. Example branch-name: release4.0
  3. $ svn co ofbizroot
  4. $ cd ofbizroot
  5. $ svn copy branches/${branch-name} tags/${file-base-name}
  6. $ cd ..
  7. $ svn export$\{file-base-name}
  8. $ cd ${file-base-name}
  9. For framework only release: rm -Rf applications/
  10. $ "ant load-demo" on Windows or "./ant load-demo" on Linux/Unix/OSX ("ant run-install" or "./ant run-install" for versions prior to R12.04).
  11. $ cd ..
  12. $ zip -r ${file-base-name}.zip ${file-base-name}/
  13. $ tar -czvf ${file-base-name}.tgz ${file-base-name}/*
  14. $ gpg --output ${file-base-name}.zip.asc --detach-sig --armor ${file-base-name}.zip
  15. $ gpg --output ${file-base-name}.tgz.asc --detach-sig --armor ${file-base-name}.tgz
  16. $ gpg --print-md MD5 ${file-base-name}.zip > ${file-base-name}.zip.md5
  17. $ gpg --print-md MD5 ${file-base-name}.tgz > ${file-base-name}.tgz.md5
  18. $ gpg --print-md SHA512 ${file-base-name}.zip > ${file-base-name}.zip.sha
  19. $ gpg --print-md SHA512 ${file-base-name}.tgz > ${file-base-name}.tgz.sha

Release Management Guide

Some references to ASF official pages:

New Release Workflow

The workflow for a new release has four phases: preparing a candidate release, voting, publishing the release, announcing the release

Preparing a Candidate Release

  1. create a release tag
  2. export the release branch in a folder named apache-ofbiz-<YY.MM.NN>
  3. add a file named revision.txt containing the revision number of the exported codebase
  4. zip the exported folder as apache-ofbiz-<YY.MM.NN>.zip
  5. create an OpenPGP Compatible ASCII Armored Detached Signature named apache-ofbiz-<YY.MM.NN>.zip.asc
  6. create an MD5 Checksum named apache-ofbiz-<YY.MM.NN>.zip.md5
  7. create an SHA512 Checksum named apache-ofbiz-<YY.MM.NN>.zip.sha
  8. commit the 4 release files to

Publishing the Release

After a successful vote, the Candidate Release becomes an official Release and can be published:

  1. move the release files from to

Announcing the Release

These steps must be done after at least 24 hours after the release has been published (time required for the propagation of the release files in the mirrors network):

  1. Add a news item to the main page of the OFBiz website:
  2. Add the information about the release to the OFBiz download page:
  3. Add the information about the release to the release history page:
  4. Send an announcement to the user, dev and lists; if the release contains vulnerability fixes send also to