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Jetty is an open source servlet container created by Greg Wilkins of Webtide (which offers commercial support for Jetty)web servlet and servlet container available from the Eclipse Foundation. Jetty is designed for high performance and designed for easy embedding in other software.


This tutorial was written with RunJettyRun version 1.3.1.

Apache Maven 3

Maven is a comprehensive software build tool of rather epic ambitions. It has a very sophisticated plugin system that allows it to do virtually anything, though compiling Java code, building WAR and JAR files, and creating reports and web sites are its forte.Perhaps the biggest advantage of Maven over, say, Ant, is that it can with the ability to automatically download project dependencies (such as the Tapestry JAR files, and the JAR files that Tapestry itself depends on) automatically for you, from one of several central repositories.

Maven is not essential for using Tapestry, but is especially helpful when performing the initial setup set-up of a Tapestry application.

Eclipse comes with its own Maven plugin, M2Eclipse (also known as m2e) that you are free to use if you're already familiar with it. However, for this tutorial we'll use the Maven command line ("mvn"). The command-line version of Maven is available from Go ahead and download and install it.

But There are plugins available for Eclipse, such as m2e, but for simplicity's sake we won't use those it here; instead, we'll use Maven from the comand line ("mvn") to generate Eclipse control files for us.
