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The transaction-rollback tag will rollback a transaction if a transaction was begun in the current demarcation context as represented by the environment field named as the began-transaction-name. If the Boolean in that field is false a set rollback only will operation will be done instead of rollback which will force the transaction to rollback regardless of which method or object is responsible for beginning and ending the transaction.

Attribute NameRequired?Description
began-transaction-nameNThe name of the method environment field that contains a Boolean specifying whether or not a transaction was begun in the current transaction demarcation. Defaults to "beganTransaction".

Conditional (If) Operations


The if operation offers a flexible way of specifying combinations of conditions, alternate conditions, and operations to run on true evaluation of the conditions or to run otherwise.

The other if operations are meant for a specific, simple condition when used outside of the condition sub-element of this operation. The attributes of the other if operations are the same when used inside this operation. In this case they are empty tags and do not have any sub-elements because the operations to run are under the then or else tags.

Sub-Element NameHow ManyDescription
condition1A simple element with no attributes that contains the condition that will be evaluated to determine which sub-operations to execute. To combine the other if operations documented below the and, or, xor, and not elements can be used. The and, or, and xor elements can contain as many general if operations and modifier/combination elements (ie and, or, xor, and not).
then1The then element is used to contain operations that will run if the condition evaluate to true. A then tag must be included, but can be empty.
else-if0 to manyThe else-if element can be used to specify alternate conditional execution blocks. Each else-if element must contain two sub-elements: condition and then. These operations are used the same as the condition and then elements describes above. If the condition of the parent if element is evaluated to false, each condition of the else-if sub-elements will be evaluated, and the operations under the then element corresponding first condition that evaluates to true will be run.
else0 or 1The else element can be used to contain operations that will run if the condition evaluates to false, and if no else-if sub-conditions evaluate to true. It can contain any simple-method operation. The else tag must be placed as the last tag under the if tag.


The operations contained by the if-validate-method tag will only be executed if the validate method returns true. This tag can contain any of the simple-method operations, including the conditional/if operations.

Attribute NameRequired?Description
map-nameNThe name of the method environment field that contains the map that the field to be validated will come from. If not specified the field-name will be treated as a method environment field name (an env-name).
field-nameYThe name of the map field that will be validated.
methodYThe name of the method that will be called to validate the field. It must be a static method that takes a single String parameter and return a boolean.
classNThe name of the class that contains the validation method. If not specified defaults to "org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate".
Sub-Element NameHow ManyDescription
Any Operation0 to manyAny simple-method operation can be nested under an if-* tag.
else0 or 1The else tag can be used to contain operations that will run if the condition fails, or in other words if the operations under the if tag do not run. It can contain any simple-method operation. The else tag must be placed as the last tag under the if-* tag.


The operations contained by the if-compare tag will only be executed if the comparison returns true. This tag can contain any of the simple-method operations, including the conditional/if operations.

Attribute NameRequired?Description
map-nameNThe name of the method environment field that contains the map that the field to be validated will come from. If not specified the field-name will be treated as a method environment field name (an env-name).
field-nameYThe name of the map field that will be compared.
operatorYSpecified the comparison operator must be one of the following: less, greater, less-equals, greater-equals, equals, not-equals, or contains.
valueYThe value that the field will compared to. Must be a String, but can be converted to other types.
typeNThe data type to use for the comparison. Must be one of the following: String, Double, Float, Long, Integer, Date, Time, or Timestamp. If no type is specified the default will be String.
formatNA format specifier to use when converting String objects to other data types, mainly Date, Time and Timestamp.
Sub-Element NameHow ManyDescription
Any Operation0 to manyAny simple-method operation can be nested under an if-* tag.
else0 or 1The else tag can be used to contain operations that will run if the condition fails, or in other words if the operations under the if tag do not run. It can contain any simple-method operation. The else tag must be placed as the last tag under the if-* tag.


The operations contained by the if-compare-field tag will only be executed if the comparison returns true. This tag can contain any of the simple-method operations, including the conditional/if operations.

Attribute NameRequired?Description
map-nameNThe name of the method environment field that contains the map that the field to be validated will come from. If not specified the field-name will be treated as a method environment field name (an env-name).
field-nameYThe name of the map field that will be compared.
operatorYSpecified the comparison operator must be one of the following: less, greater, less-equals, greater-equals, equals, not-equals, or contains.
to-map-nameNThe name of the method environment field that contains the map that the field to be compared will come from. If left empty will default to the method environment. It does not default to the map-name because that would make it impossible to compare a map field to an environment field.
to-field-nameNThe name of the to-map field that the main field will be compared to. If left empty will default to the field-name.
typeNThe data type to use for the comparison. Must be one of the following: String, Double, Float, Long, Integer, Date, Time, or Timestamp. If no type is specified the default will be String.
formatNA format specifier to use when converting String objects to other data types, mainly Date, Time and Timestam
Sub-Element NameHow ManyDescription
Any Operation0 to manyAny simple-method operation can be nested under an if-* tag.
else0 or 1The else tag can be used to contain operations that will run if the condition fails, or in other words if the operations under the if tag do not run. It can contain any simple-method operation. The else tag must be placed as the last tag under the if-* tag.


The operations contained by the if-regexp tag will only be executed if the value complies with the regular expression. This tag can contain any of the simple-method operations, including the conditional/if operations.

Attribute NameRequired?Description
map-nameNThe name of the method environment field that contains the map that the field to be validated will come from. If not specified the field-name will be treated as a method environment field name (an env-name).
field-nameYThe name of the map field that will be compared.
exprYA regular expression that the map value must comply with.
Sub-Element NameHow ManyDescription
Any Operation0 to manyAny simple-method operation can be nested under an if-* tag.
else0 or 1The else tag can be used to contain operations that will run if the condition fails, or in other words if the operations under the if tag do not run. It can contain any simple-method operation. The else tag must be placed as the last tag under the if-* tag.


The operations contained by the if-empty tag will only be executed if the map field is empty. This tag can contain any of the simple-method operations, including the conditional/if operations.

Attribute NameRequired?Description
map-nameNThe name of the method environment field that contains the map that the field to be validated will come from. If not specified the field-name will be treated as a method environment field name (an env-name).
field-nameYThe name of the map field that will be compared.
Sub-Element NameHow ManyDescription
Any Operation0 to manyAny simple-method operation can be nested under an if-* tag.
else0 or 1The else tag can be used to contain operations that will run if the condition fails, or in other words if the operations under the if tag do not run. It can contain any simple-method operation. The else tag must be placed as the last tag under the if-* tag.


The operations contained by the if-not-empty tag will only be executed if the map field is not empty. This tag can contain any of the simple-method operations, including the conditional/if operations.