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Security, as discussed in this article, is about permissions being granted to access OFBiz artifacts such as services, screens and data.


Table of Contents

How permissions are organised (the 2 levels of security)

The larger domain of security is split into 2 categories in OFBiz:


The following is a technical description explaining security and permissions in OFBiz.

How to use permissions

Category 1 is based on SecurityPermissions records. The names of permissions consist out of two parts separated with a '_' character. Most of the time, the first part is the application name and the second part is the action or operation. The application name is normally the same as the component name (or webapp name in case of sub-component webapp) written in uppercase characters. The action can be anything. However VIEW, CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE (related to CRUD functions) and ADMIN are the most commonly used. ADMIN is a special action which allows all operations.


We currently have several systems/levels where this is implemented:

At login level

The base-permission defined in the ofbiz-component.xml file as an attribute of the <webapp element controls the access to component. A "base-permission" definition might contains several permissions constituents.


titleNote (to be reviewed/discussed)

After Adrian's 1s post in the thread above, I checked if OFBTOOLS is really strictly needed to gain access to a component. This is not the case for a number of components (take assemaint for instance) which can be at least accessed by the admin. But this needs to be clarified (only the admin?) and it seems we should no longer wait to replace base-permission by the clearer access-permission in trunk. I don't know why Adrian adrianc did not continue, maybe only lack of time?

At the component menu level

It's pretty simple to use. The component top-level menu will only show the components to which a logged-on user has at least the WEBAPP-NAME_VIEW or COMPONENT-NAME_ADMIN permissions, i.e. the same as on the login level. This is done in appbar.ftl which defines which tabs are visible in the applications tabs bar.

At the request (controller.xml) level

Though not related with permissions, there are two important parameters here. Every request (<request-map) tag has a security (<security) tag with the 2 parameters: 'https' to define if SSL will be used for this request and the 'auth' parameter to define if a user needs to be logged on to execute this request. If the user is not logged on the login screen will be shown and after a successful login AND if the security checking on the other levels are successful, the request will be executed.

At screen level

In the '<section' part of a screen definition and '<condition' tag the  test with the  '<if-has-permission' tag with the 'permission' and 'action' test can be performed. Depending on the outcome the  '<widgets>'  or '<fail-widgets>' can be shown.
You may also use <if-service-permission.

At Freemarker template snippet level

The session variable security is always present in the screen context. You can use it to request security informations using Security class public methods: hasPermission, hasEntityPermission, hasRolePermission.

At service definition level

This functionnality allows the (re-)usage of services in other components with a different security schema. An example is the project manager component which uses many services of the workeffort component but has a different security schema.
In the service definition, (files in the servicedef directory) the '<permission-service' can be inserted pointing to a service which will check if the service is allowed to be executed. The input to this service is at least the 'main-action' parameter to specify the action (CREATE, UPDATE etc) but also any other input parameter such as a productId, or workEffortId as defined is the security service.
You can extend the base permission service using ECA rules on the permission service used by the service you want to reuse. Just have it run your permission service after the main one IFF the main one results in an error (failed permission check), and make sure your ECA rule has it put its results in the context if your security scenario succeeds.
A good basic implementation example is exampleGenericPermission in the Example component

At service implementation level.

At record level, by using Role limited permissions or related means

The purpose of role-limited permissions is to tie a SecurityPermission to record level security using the RoleType/PartyRole and related entities. In OFBiz this is how record level permissions are done, i.e. somehow the user (through her Party record) is associated with another record in the database and that specific relationship must exist in order for the role-limited permission to take effect.


You can imagine your own ways in function of your requirements...

Protected views

This is another mechanism which is used to protect from data leakage (data stolen from a login/password couple compromised). It works like the well known grey list anti-spam feature (aka tarpitting). It's pretty simple to use.
You define the views you want to protect under a Security Group using the Protected Views menu.
There you define the


The code use a simple strategy as we don't need something very sophisticated to trap malignants. It's all in

Data model

All these levels rely on several database tables:

  1. SecurityPermission: the lowest level where all basic permissions are defined. Typically used to set up the standard permissions (_ADMIN, _CREATE and _DELETE). If there is a need, the same set of permissions may be created with a "_ROLE" in there. Examples are: CATALOG_ADMIN, CATALOG_CREATE, CATALOG_DELETE, CATALOG_ROLE_ADMIN, CATALOG_ROLE_CREATE.
  2. SecurityGroup: where the permission group is defined. For setting up groups that typically have blanket permissions. FULLADMIN and PARTYADMIN are examples.
  3. SecurityGroupPermission: permissions are grouped together in this table. Associates SecurityPermission with SecurityGroup.
  4. UserLoginSecurityGroup: Which userLogin id's have access to which permission groups. This is where parties can be associated with SecurityGroup. Note: Parties are associated with SecurityGroup by their userLoginId, but when adding a party to an entity role entity, the partyId is used.
  5. PartyRelationship: security groups can be set for certain party relationships.
  6. ENTITY-NAMERole (OrderRole, PartyRole, etc.):
    The class contains methods for applying/using these tables.
    Here is some stuff that David wrote in an email that shows 2 cases where group permissions are used:
    1. has CONTENTMGR_VIEW (or CONTENTMGR_ADMIN, handled by hasEntityPermission method)
    2. has CONTENTMGR_ROLE_VIEW (or CONTENTMGR_ROLE_ADMIN) and partyId of current userLogin is associated with the Content in the ContentRole table (in this case with any roleTypeId) (see Content management security)
    3. But finally In an exchange with Anil, David did not recommend to use these "old" Security class public methods (hasPermission, hasEntityPermission, hasRolePermission) but to rather use the "new" pattern used in the
