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Using the BeanEditForm Component

Tapestry includes BeanEditForm is a powerful Tapestry component capable of generating a complete create/edit user interface for a typical JavaBean, BeanEditForm..

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{float:right|background=#eee|padding=0 1em}
    *JumpStart Demos:*
    [Edit (Using BeanEditForm)|]
    [Create (Using BeanEditForm)|]
    [More Control Edit (Using BeanEditor)|]

BeanEditForm analyzes the the properties of the bean, locating just those properties that are readable and writablewriteable. It filters down to properties whose type is mapped to a known editor (this is described in more detail below).


For example, you may want to selectively use a PasswordField component:

Code Block

  <t:beaneditform object="loginCredentials">
      <t:label for="password"/>
      <t:passwordfield t:id="password" value="loginCredentials.password"/>


The model can be created when the page is first instantiated:

Code Block

public class MyPage
  private BeanModelSource beanModelSource;
  private ComponentResources resources;

  private BeanModel model;

  private MyBean bean;
     model = beanModelSource.create(MyBean.class, true, resources);
     // Make other changes to model here.


And, in the component template, the built model can be passed to the BeanEditForm component explicitly:

Code Block

  <t:beaneditform object="bean" model="model"/>


DataTypeAnalyzer is a chain of command that can match properties to data types based on property type or annotations on the property. In general, DefaultDataTypeAnalyzer is used, as that only needs to consider property type. DefaultDataTypeAnalyzer matches property types to data types, based on a search up the inheritance path.

Code Block

public static void contributeDefaultDataTypeAnalyzer(MappedConfiguration<Class, String> configuration)
  configuration.add(BigDecimal.class, "currency");

You must provide an editor for the "currency" data type. An editor is a block of a page of the application; this page is not normally rendered itself, but acts as a container for one or more blocks.

Code Block

public class AppPropertyEditBlocks
    private PropertyEditContext context;
    @Component(parameters =
    { "value=context.propertyValue", "label=prop:context.label",
            "translate=prop:currencyTranslator", "validate=prop:currencyValidator",
            "clientId=prop:context.propertyId", "annotationProvider=context" })
    private TextField currency;

    private ComponentResources resources;

    public FieldValidator getCurrencyValidator()
      return context.getValidator(currency);
    public FieldTranslator getCurrencyTranslator()
      return context.getTranslator(current);


The editor is a block inside the component template:

Code Block

  <t:block id="currency">
    <t:label for="currency"/>
    <t:textfield t:id="currency" size="10"/>

Finally, we tell the BeanEditForm component about the editor via a contribution to the BeanBlockSource service:

Code Block

public static void contributeBeanBlockSource(Configuration<BeanBlockContribution> configuration)
  configuration.add(new BeanBlockContribution("currency", "AppPropertyEditBlocks", "currency", true));
