Versions Compared


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It is not clear how this same functionality will be supported in Tapestry 5.4 as the asynchronous module loading makes it difficult to know when all modules have been loaded and all initialization functions have been invoked.

Tapestry 5.4 uses JavaScript to add a "page loading mask", which is removed once all JavaScript has initialized. Using CSS animation tricks, the mask becomes visible after a fraction of a second, and includes a spinning icon. The page loading mask prevents any interaction by the user on the incompletely initialized page.

Mapping Modules to Assets


There must be provisions for the following options:

  • A module may be overriden overridden (for instance, to work around a bug), in which case a specific asset may be used for the module, rather than the default
  • A module may need to be converted from one language to another: specifically, a module may be written in CoffeeScript, and need to be compiled down to JavaScript
  • A module's content may be aggregated with other related modules (much like a Tapestry 5.3 stack), especially in production. (A request for any module should provide the aggregated set of modules; RequireJS will not need to send additional requests for the other modules.)
  • Module content (aggregated or not) should be minimized


The intent here is to support shifting of client-side behavior from the 5.3 style, an approach that involved monkey-patching functions onto T5.initializers, and move the same logic into modules, preferably with simpler parameters. It is also expected that there will be greater use of data- prefixed HTML5 attributes in place of separate configuration, as outlined above.

@Require annotation

In the (hopefully) common case that a module can operate without additional configuration, the @Require annotation will be analagous to the Tapestry 5.2 @Import annotation. It will allow one or more modules to be required. This is only useful when the modules are stand-alone (not needing any explicit configuration).

Increased Use Of Publish/Subscribe

An inherent limitation of Tapestry 5.3 and earlier is the too-direct connection between DOM events and client behaviors. Coding in terms of "the user clicks and the event handler submits a request" makes it very hard to fine tune behavior. For example, much work and experimentation was needed in order to introduce a Confirm mixin that could be used to introduce a confirmation dialog before allowing an event (clicking a link or submitting a form) to continue.

A better pattern is to convert DOM events into messages in a Publish/Subscribe (PubSub) system. Tapestry 5.3 introduced an initial pass at a PubSub library for this purpose, but more work is needed in this area, especially in terms of preventing unwanted references to DOM elements from impacting garbage collection under Internet Explorer.

Regardless of the exact details, in Tapestry all handling of user input should occur in two stages: a very simple event handler whose job is simply to send a PubSub message, and handlers for those PubSub message.

Avoiding JavaScript Classes

Much of the logic for important operations, such as client-side validation (and input field decoration), are based on the use of client-side JavaScript classes. This has been somewhat valuable in terms of making the behavior controllable via monkey patching. On the other hand, it cam be clumsy to accomplish in practice, as the desired behavior is only described in terms of the implementation.
