Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Git clone
  • checkout the branch asf-site
  • The releaseTarGzAll target should auto-generate the configuration docs for broker/producer/consumer in ./core/build/distributions/kafka_2.10- Untar the file in 090/.
  • Copy release javadoc to newly 090/.
  • Update documentation.html to include the new documentation link (090/documentation.html).
  • Update protocol.html to include the new protocol guide link (090/protocol.html).
  • Update downloads.html to include the new download links from mirrors and change last release to use archive.
  • Mark the version as released in Kafka JIRA (from JIRA administration panel, select versions and scroll mouse towards the end of the line for the particular version. From the dropdown list, select release and set the date).


0.8.0 and below with SBT


0) Make sure you are using JDK 6
1) Your Key needs to be signed into the KEYS file
2) clone the repository to kafka-X.Y.Z-src
3) checkout the branch to release if releasing not off trunk
4) java -jar ../../apache-rat-0.8/apache-rat-0.8.jar (forgot to-do this in rc1,2,3 will do before running 4)
5) tag the branch and append (git tag -a releaseVersion) the "release notes" from JIRA
6) git push --tags
7) now get rid of git, rm -fr .git/* && rmdir .git && rm -f .gitignore
8) cd ..
9) tar -czvf kafka-X.Y.Z-src.tgz kafka-X.Y.Z-src/*
10) sign the src

  • gpg --print-md MD5 kafka_X.Y.Z-src.tgz > kafka_X.Y.Z-src.tgz.md5
  • gpg --armor --output kafka_X.Y.Z-src.tgz.asc --detach-sig kafka_X.Y.Z-src.tgz
  • gpg --print-md SHA1 kafka_X.Y.Z-src.tgz > kafka_X.Y.Z-src.tgz.sh1

11) scp kafka_X.Y.Z-src* to a folder on a web server
12) ssh in a virtual machine, been using
13) wget the file
14) tar -xvf kafka-X.Y.Z-src.tgz
15) verify signings and hashes
16) run quick start
17) cd kafka-X.Y.Z-src && ./sbt release-tar
18) sign the binary

  • gpg --print-md MD5 kafka_2.N.0-X.Y.Z.tar.gz > kafka_2.N.0-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.md5
  • gpg --armor --output kafka_2.N.0-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig kafka_2.N.0-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
  • gpg --print-md SHA1 kafka_X.Y.Z-src.tgz > kafka_X.Y.Z-src.tgz.sh1
  • gpg --print-md SHA512 kafka_X.Y.Z-src.tgz > kafka_X.Y.Z-src.tgz.sh2

19) create file RELEASE_NOTES.html

  1. add the html version of release notes
    vi RELEASE-NOTES.html
    Go to Apache JIRA and click on the version X.Y.Z
    Click Release Notes

20) upload files to directory for voting
21) ./sbt "++2.8.0 publish"
22) ./sbt "++2.8.2 publish"
23) ./sbt "++2.9.1 publish"
24) ./sbt "++2.9.2 publish"
25) ./sbt "++2.10.1 publish"
26) run and see where we are 
27) close nexus staging if everything checks out
28) call VOTE
29) if VOTE failure then DROP staged artifacts from Nexus, if VOTE success then RELEASE artifacts to Maven Central
30) VOTE Succeeded, more to-dos
a) in copy new artifacts into X.Y.Z folder and remove previous releases folder (all older releases are in archive)
b) change site to include the new download link from mirrors and change last release to use archive
c) send ANNOUNCE to apache, users and dev lists