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Answer ChoicesPercentageNo. Responses
Nothing, I'm as active as I want to be29%7
Having more space time63%15
Having a defined workload so I know what needs to be done0%0
Being able to work as part of a team with another Committer or Community member4%1
None of the above4%1

Comments :

  • The objective of this question was to find out what, if anything was stopping Committers from being more active
  • Only one response was allowed

Conclusions :

  • The majority of Committers chose having more spare time as the key to being more active. This in fact ties in with question 3 where the majority of Committers said that they didn't contribute as often as they would like to.
  • One surprising result was that no-one selected that having a defined workload would help them become more active. This implies that the Committers already have an idea of what areas they want or would like to work on and the type of work they'd like to do.
  • It was also interesting to see that being able to work as part of a team was also selected. Perhaps more integrated Community Day work could help with this.
  • The use of the 'None of the above' category shows that there was an answer choice missing so maybe this can be discovered in the discussions resulting from the survey.

Question 8: Please respond the following statements


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 Strongly Disagree DisagreeNeither Disagree nor AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeTotalWeighted Average
The community expects Committers to fix any reported problems immediately212370243.38
Being a Committer is difficult because you can only work on OFBiz in your spare time15891242.83
Committers are sometimes unsure of which areas to focus on031092242.58
Committers are only expected to be active on a project for a fixed time then they leave and move onto something else411540243.63
It would improve things if newer Committers were mentored by a more experienced one009114242.21
Answer ChoicesStrongly Disagree DisagreeNeither Disagree nor AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeTotal
The community expects Committers to fix any reported problems immediately8%50%13%29%0%24
Being a Committer is difficult because you can only work on OFBiz in your spare time4%21%33%38%4%24
Committers are sometimes unsure of which areas to focus on0%13%42%38%8%24
Committers are only expected to be active on a project for a fixed time then they leave and move onto something else17%46%21%17%0%24
It would improve things if newer Committers were mentored by a more experienced one0%0%38%46%17%24


Comments :

  • The objective of this question was to give the Committers a range of statements and ask for their views on them
  • Five responses were allowed (one for each statement)

Conclusions :


Question 9: What do you think would help improve the project? Please rank these in order of importance
