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Configuring Eclipse to work with OFBiz

Setting up Eclipse to work with OFBiz is easy. There are two ways to import OFBiz into Eclipse: You can either allow Eclipse to download OFBiz directly from SVN, or you can import an already downloaded copy of OFBiz (from SVN or otherwise) from the filesystem.

Importing OFBiz from the filesystem into Eclipse


  • Click the "+" next to the ofbiz project.
  • Right click on the "build.xml" in the root of the ofbiz project and select "Run Ant..."
  • The defaults are fine for the initial build. Click Finish.If you get the following error message:

Wiki Markup
[javac]\[ BUILD FAILED: file:<Project Dir>/build.xml:32: Unable to find a javac compiler; is not on the classpath.


  • Bring up the "SVN Repository" panel in Eclipse (Window/Open Perspective/SVN Repository Exploring)
  • Right-Click within panel/New/Repository Location
  • Click on Finish.Now, do the initial checkout:


Additional Eclipse and OFBiz resources

Changing Eclipse's JVM

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If you are running Eclipse using JDK 1.5 then you will also need to ensure Eclipse knows where to find your JDK 1.4 install: "Windows - Preferences - Java - Installed JREs" add it and make sure it is checked as the default. *Although this says JREs make sure you add the JDK and not the JRE install\!

[javac]\[ BUILD FAILED: file:<Project Dir>/build.xml:32: Unable to find a javac compiler;

If you have received the above error, you most likely have more than one JVM (e.g. a JRE and a JDK) installed. Eclipse uses the first Java VM it finds on your computer's PATH variable. In this case, it is most likely a JRE, not a JDK. Ant uses the same Java environment as Eclipse, no matter what you may specify in the compiler attribute. Because it is a JRE, you will not be able to compile.

To correct

To correct this, you must tell Eclipse to use the SDK. To do this, modify the shortcut you use to launch Eclipse and change the target to the following:

<ECLIPSE_DIR>\eclipse.exe \-vm <SDK_DIR>\bin\javaw.exe


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Tuning Eclipse

Tuning the JVM heap size can help improve WSAD/Eclipse's responsiveness. You can do that by using the -vmargs -Xms -Xmx settings in the command-line argument (or wsappdev.ini file).
C:\java\eclipse_3_0_1\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M
For more on tuning Eclipse JVM heap size, you can refer to this IBM article. |