Versions Compared


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  1. improve project tab
  2. improve timesheet tab
  3. customer request to task conversion
  4. task complete button on timesheet
  5. Improve resources tab with specific info on resources

Work still needs to be done: (let me know if you would like to work on this)

  1. add dependency info to the task overview
  2. add billing tab to a project: list of non billed hours and to be able to create/ad to an invoice, list of billed hours with invoice id's.

Work still needs to be done: (let me know if you would like to work on this)

  1. add a billing tab to a client resource to show outstanding and invoiced hours
  2. split resources left/right into client/provider resources, add a new level in the RoleTypes for projectTeam:
        PROJECT_TEAM -> provider -> provider roles
                              -> client -> client roles
  3. Add the possibility of creating invoices from either the resources/billing or project/billing tab using the outstanding hours info, Allow the setting of the ratetype/value for reported hours.
  4. add to the resources, a tab to specify the rates for a provider resource. (see partyRates in partyMgr)
  5. create security on screens and services acording the document at:
  6. more reporting.Reporting?

System principles.

  • A project consists out of one or more phases of which each phase can have one or more tasks.
  • A task always has a parentPhase.
  • Time registration is only done on a task level.
  • Estimated and actual dates are only maintained at the task level. For reporting they are calculated to the higher levels. Project views are created to support this.
  • The workAssoc entity is used to identify relationships in the order the tasks should be executed, a facility needs to be added to calculated the estimated start/end dates of every task according these relationships.
  • In the option 'myTime" time can only be reported on assigned tasks, tasks can only be assigned to projectmembers.
  • All timestamps in the timesheets have a time set to '00:00:00.0"
  • A timesheet is only for one week and one week only and can have many time entries, one for each task and one day within the fromDate and Thrudate of the timesheet. A timentry is always referring to a task(Workeffort)
  • A timesheet only has related time entries where the partyId is null meaning that these entries are from the partyId on the timesheet. The thrudate is not used on the TimeEntry, only the fromdate. The timeEntry only registers hours for the specific fromDate date only.
  • In a project the following (security) roles are recognized:
    Administrator: has full access over all projects
    Client Manager, Client Analyst: has full read access over the project. and can report time.
    Client Billing: who will receive the invoices.
    Provider Manager: has full access to the project he is member of.
    Provider Accounting: who can create invoices and send these to the Client Billing,or if not present to the Client manager.
