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Main New


Features in OFBiz

March 2009

  • Framework
    • Security : security against XRSF has been enforced.
  • User Interface
    • You can now change the language used an stay on the page you where. This is working both in backend and eCommerce. It uses a new feature which allows to stay on a page (view-last) or/and to store a page to come back to it after (save-last-view)
    • Most of harcoded labels have been internationalized
    • More online help accessible (in accounting for instance)
  • Debian
    • An effort to package to Debian is currently in progress and well advanced
  • Order
    • Now while placing purchase order, orderId can be supplied explicitly. If not supplied then it will be created automatically.
    • Added new field for "cancelBackOrderDate", like others for OrderItem(purchase order). Field is shown in order detail page and on Purchase order PDF if exists;  Also added scheduled service (midnight daily) which searches for purchase orders with Cancel Back Order Date and cancels order if the date is in past.
    • Now possible to add more then one product at a time to purchase order in order detail page with single add form.
    • Now While recording PO, when the unit price of the item is edited the new value automatically gets set as last price on supplier record.
    • After placing purchase order estimatedShipDate and estimatedDeliveryDate can be entered by editing order items in order detail page.
    • Now while waiting for the inventory to arrive, user can lower priority on inventory allocation so that other orders can be fulfilled while waiting for sufficient inventory to fill the large sales order. Priority of order can be set from order detail page explicitly.

February 2009

  • Framework
    • Security : a work in progress has already solved all XSS issues
  • MyPortal
  • User Interface
    • Thanks to the Labels Manager (WebTools) the French translation is now complete. It will be checked and updated monthly
    • You can now define a Visual Theme for the eCommerce (see in Product/Store)

January 2009

  • Accounting
    • Payrol invoice/payment check. It is now possible to create a payrol invoice/payment and print the related itemized check
  • Framework
    • A new labels manager in Webtools greatly improves dealing with labels l10n
    • It's now possible lo login through CAS remotely
    • A tarpitting mechanism to protect pages from data thieves (with login/pwd on hand) has been introduced
    • BigDecimal completly replaced Double where relevant
  • User Interface
    • Nearly complete labels l10n cleaning done
    • New "blue-light" theme with drop-down menus
  • MyPortal
    • It is improving (smile)
  • Party
    • Geolocation added with demo data for parties, facilities, container (not much used in OFBiz yet) and fixed assets

December 2008

  • Framework
    • Support for the Unified Expression Language added to the framework.
  • User Interface
    • Beginning of amendments in Internationalisation area using specific tools (duplicates removed, sorting of labels by languages, etc.)
    • Complete French translation of Human Res, all Special Purpose and Webtools components (we are near a complete French translation, but still some months of work I guess...)
  • MyPortal
    • This is a new application, a portlet based version of the MyPage application

November 2008

  • User Interface
    • Complete French translation of Manufacturing component
    • A Dashboard system based on portlets has been introduced in the framework and is now available in the Example application
    • A new way of grouping fields in OFBiz Widgets has been introduced and used in Store main and "Shipping Estimates" pages
  • Work Effort
    • iCalendar support added to the Work Effort application. Work efforts can be "published" in iCalendar format.

October 2008

  • Web Pos
    • Add a new "terminalName" on PosTerminal entity and then show it on web pos login


  • POS
    • A new comment field has been added to Paid In/Out. Now the reason comes from Enumerations staying no longer in a properties file but in DB.

September 2008

  • Workeffort
    • Added Temporal Expression support to Work Effort. Recurring work efforts appear in the calendar.


  • User Interface
    • Italian label translation for ecommerce
    • Selectable Visual Themes can now be installed into OFBiz hot-deploy folder. Backoffice users can select their favourite Visual Theme.
    • The page header is now collapsible so that more screen space is available.
      • Complete French translation of Facility, Project, Party and Asset Maint modules

August 2008

  • Accounting
    • A couple of improvements to fixed asset maintenance


  • All Components
    • Buf fixing of the converted to Groovy scripts

July 2008

  • My Page
    • New application currently under development and is now fairly complete.This component shows all information for a specific user such as personal email, project tasks assigned, timesheet and company events such as holidays, When a person has acces he can also edit the email of other users such as company email send to


  • User Interface
    • Removed deprecated CSS styles from the maincss.css file. I skipped the eCommerce component because it doesn't use that style sheet, and I also skipped the content component because it is used in eCommerce
    • Removed deprecated CSS styles from back office applications
    • Additional german translations for framework

June 2008

  • Accounting/Product/Party/Content/Ecommerce/Humanres/Manufacturing/Marketing/Order/Workeffort/SecurityExt
    • Conversions to new field attribute of minilang scripts
  • Accounting/Party/Marketing/Manufacturing/Projectmgr/Example/Product/Ordermgr/Workeffort/Content
    • Conversions of bsh scripts to groovy
  • Accounting
    • Improved Fixed Asset tree
    • Move Billing Account permissions to follow new the pattern
    • POS: CVV2 code is not always deleted from the DB
  • HR (Human ressources)
    • Miscellaneous enhancements and bug fixing.
  • Product
    • Added support for non-serialized status to mark items as defective or on-hold and exclude
      them form the inventory reservation and issuance services
    • JUNIT testing the process of Receive Inventory (Non-Serialized items)
    • JUNIT test case for Inventory Receive
    • Weight/Quantity/PriceQuantityBreak records may be used by other ShipmentCostEstimate records;
      if the service is unable to delete them it should not throw an error message
  • Specialpurpose/workflow
    • Moved the workflow related data to the workflow component


  • User Interface
    • New and faster popup calendar
    • New collapsible lookup interface is slowly spreading in OFBiz (Ajax style)
    • Added support for Collapseable Panel. Now All the Panels rendered using screenlet screen widget
      are collapseable using Effects library and not server round trip if javascript is enable
    • Colors and localisation for the calendar
    • Removed deprecated CSS styles
    • Adding Autocompleter options to form widget dropdown

May 2008

  • Marketing
    • JUNIT testing process of create/update contact list


  • User Interface
    • Localisation
      • Major cleanup of localisation in progress...
      • Complete French translation of the Catalog and Order modules
      • Miscellaneous enhancements in French localisation of Backoffice modules
    • IE7 and tab-bar style fixups for Party Manager component.
    • UI work in the Example and ExampleExt components, fixed minor layout issues
    • Set the style for selected menu items

April 2008

  • Accounting
    • Miscellaneous Enhancement of the component
    • Implement new service to get an aggregate set of accounting
      preferences for a company


  • SFA (Sales Force Application)
    • New pages for adding leads
    • New sales opportunities

March 2008

  • Facility
    • Implemented JUNIT test case for physical inventory adjustment


  • User Interface
    • New look and feel for most of the forms into Webtools application
    • There are now two menu groups: "main", for the main applications, in the top bar, and "secondary" for applications (specialized or not still 'mature'), in the footer.
    • Added artifact forms to get informations about services, forms, entities used in OFBiz, see Webtools module

February 2008

  • Order
    • A new product store email has been created for new quote creation
    • Implemented JUNIT test case for creating a sales order


  • Product
    • Implemented JUNIT test case for stock moves and inventory items transfer

January 2008

  • User Interface - Look and Feel
    • New look and feel for all the forms in the Catalog, Facility, Order (except for order entry), Party, Marketing, Manufacturing, Human Resources, Work Effort, Accounting applications
  • Content
    • Data resource screens: fixed errors and added paging.
  • Workflow- JUnit test cases
    • Implemented JUNIT test case for party communication
  • Project Manager
    • Security now fully implemented on a screen and service level
    • Resource tab now have more features and can update rates.
    • Timeregistration now possible with different rates
    • Resourcemanager extended
    • Timeregistration management function
  • POS
    • POS uses now XUI 3.2

December 2007

  • Order - JUnit test cases
    • Implemented JUnit test case for Creating a Purchase Order
  • Catalog - Advanced Product Search
    • Implemented in the advanced product search the filter by product good identification type/value
  • Catalog - eBay
    • New special purpose component for integration with eBay
  • Accounting
    • Added ability to setup multiple net days payment terms to agreements/orders/invoices (for example: "after 30 days pay the 50%, after 60 days pay the 40%, after 90 days pay the remaining 10%"); added screens to filter for invoices by due date of the payment terms (for example: "show past due date invoices").
    • Implemented financial period closing routine
    • Implemented service to automatically post the gl transaction for manual inventory variances
    • Implemented service to automatically post the gl transaction for inventory transfers and inventory owner change
    • Implemented service to automatically post the gl transaction for inventory cost changes
    • Implemented service to automatically post the gl transaction for inventory consumed by work efforts (e.g. production runs)
    • Implemented service to automatically post the gl transaction for inventory produced by work efforts (e.g. production runs)
    • Implemented service to automatically post the gl transaction for work effort's actual costs accounting (e.g. production runs' costs)
    • Implemented service to automatically post the gl transaction for sales invoices
  • ProjectManagement
    • Template function created to enable the creation of new project from templates
    • Project copy function added.
    • GanttChart now available for phases and tasks.
    • Added a resource manager, resource assignment to project and tasks.
    • Timesheet for one week for easy entry.
    • Project and phases information now show planned and actual data from the lower levels
    • Added demo data to be loaded with ant run-install
  • Framework
    • Webtools
      • An entity references PDF may be generated (1250+ pages but FOP is quick enough)
  • POS
    • You can now buy a configurable item

November 2007

  • Framework
    • Webtools
      • SECA details shown in available services screen
    • The new parameter "widget.verbose" in allows to show where code came from in html source
  • Inventory
    • New screen to search (by product, date, type etc...) and display the inventory movements (inventory item details) with information about shipments, sales/purchase orders, returns, manufacturing orders, physical manual variances; there are three views of the movements: by inventory item, by product or by date.
  • POS
    • Password entry is now hidden
    • You can now enter a promo code to be applied to the current sale via the promo menu
  • Accounting
    • Implemented the Trial Balance report
    • Implemented new screens to search/list accounting transactions and accounting transaction entries
    • Implemented new screen to manage organization's mapping from GL account types to GL accounts
    • Implemented new screen to manage organization's mapping from products to GL accounts
    • Implemented service to automatically post the gl transaction for sales shipment issuances to the GL
    • Implemented service to automatically post the gl transaction for inventory receipts (purchase or return shipments, manual receipts) to the GL
    • Added screens to define gl journals and added ability to define an error journal, where all failed accounting transactions are moved
    • Improved screen for accounting time periods: it is now possible to define new time periods for the selected organization
  • Project Manager
    • Create the first version of a design document here Comments welcomed!
    • Bug fixing
    • in a project make the 'phase' and 'task' structure mandatory.
    • reporting on status and dates only done on task level.

October 2007

  • Promotions
    • Implemented validity dates for the ProductPromoCode entity: it is now possible to specify the validity period for a promotional code
    • Enhanced support for manual promotions (i.e. promotions that are associated to a store but are applied only if the order entry clerk explicitly selects them)
  • CRM
    • Surveys
      • Implemented feature to allow to set default values for survey questions; response can be generated by setting values (via a map) in the wrapper before rendering
      • Implemented GEO and ENUMERATION types for Survey Questions; now ANY Geo Group or Enumeration Type can be listed as survey option lists
    • Implemented code to support pre-account email verification (verify email before account is created)
  • Vendor Specific Stores/Catalogs
    • Added new data model elements, crud services, screens and seed data for modeling vendor-specific store settings and order with ship group per vendor
  • Manufacturing
    • Implemented service, triggered when a task is completed, that computes the actual/real production run routing task's costs
  • Inventory
    • Added ability to export warehouse inventory report in CSV format
  • Ecommerce - Google Checkout
    • New special purpose component for integration with Google Checkout
  • Catalog - Google Base
    • New special purpose component for integration with Google Base
  • Business Intelligence
    • New component and framework for an integrated Business Intelligence application
  • Payments with Credit Cards
    • Completed implementation for security codes (ccv2) for credit cards in the order component
  • Localization
    • Added geographic data for India
    • Enhanced support for RTL (Right-To-Left) languages
  • Framework - connection pooling
    • Implemented new integration with the Apache DBCP connection pool that is now the default connection pool manager in OFBiz (the old Minerva connection pool has been disabled by default)
    • Several enhancements for the framework: code cleanups for Java 1.5, Java 1.5 markups, optimizations, improvements to memory usage etc...
    • Moved common controller entries and login screens in the framework/common component: they are now shared by all the applications
  • Form widgets:
    • Added ability to specify an event/action pairs on an hyperlink field of a form widget: useful to define Javascript events, for example, to quickly implement confirm/warning popup screens on mouse clicks
    • Added examples of widget usages in Example component
    • Added ability to call a local request when reusing a form from an other application (target-type=inter-app)
  • Misc
    • Several small bug fixes and improvements for the framework and applications