Versions Compared


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  1. In your store, set the field "Show Prices With Vat Tax"=Y
  2. Set the field "Vat Tax Auth Geo Id" with the corresponding VAT Geo (it's a default value, remember the VAT is applied in function of the client Geo)
  3. Set the field "Vat Tax Auth Party Id" with a correctly set Tax Authority (see below how to set it in accouting)
  4. In accouting, set your Tax Authority (and any you will need)
    1. "Include Tax In Price"=Y
    2. Create the "Categories" that will include products with VAT included
    3. Set the "Product Rates" you need. Note that you can Tax Promotions and Shipping if needed




You need to have the ofbizrmi.jks and ofbiztrust.jks setup at both ends.

For testing, the easiest way is

  • to create a certificate
  • export it to the trust store
  • and then just copy both these files to the other instance.

For production, remember that the truststore of the "client" would hold the public key exported from the keystore of the "server". Conversely the truststore of the "server" would hold the public key exported from the keystore of the "client".

Making the keystore and truststore identical on both sides makes life a bit easier for testing, but make sure you toughen things up before you go into production!!!

Thanks to Andrew Sykes