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The Simple Map Processor Mini-Language performes performs two primary tasks: validation and conversion. It does this in a context of moving values from one Map to another. The input map will commonly contain Strings, but can contain other object types like Integer, Long, Float, Double, java.sql.Date, Time, and Timestamp.


(info) NOTE: The reference information for the simple-map-processor has been moved to annotations in the The idea is to now to use an XML completion tool in development. If you are interested by this issue please take a look at

As static documentationn documentation you may find a simple-methods.html generated file in attachments. This file may be out of date but with the attached simple-methods.xsl file you are able to generate an updated file. In such case please feel free to put a comment below in order to let us know, thanks.


The ${} (dollar-sign-curly-brace) syntax can be used to insert an environment variable value in pretty much any string constant in a simple-method file. Not only can it be used to reference top-level envrionment environment variables, the syntax elements described below can be used to access values in sub-structures.


Wiki Markup
There are two extensions to the \[\] syntax that can be used when referingreferring to an environment location that is the target of an operation. If you do not include a number between the square braces the value will be put at the end of the list. If you put a "+" (plus sign) in front of the number between the square braces (ie: \[+2\]) it will insert the value before that position in the list instead of replacing the value at that location. For example, specifying \[+0\] would insert the value at the beginning of the list.
